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G- bacteria

G- bacteria Genera: Brucella, Fracisella, Bordetella, Alcaligenes, Acinetobcter Vibrionaceae, Aeromonadaceae O: Campylobacterales F. Campylobacteriaceae G: Campylobater C. jejuni Arcobater F: Helicobacteriaceae G: Helicobacter Genus: Campylobacter Spiral or curved rods motile microaerofilic carbohydrates are not utilized oxidase positive urease negative Campylobacter Habitat:intestinal tracts of mammals and birds Pathogenicity for animals and man (foodborne infections with C.jejuni) Campylobacter species C. fetus C.fetus subsp. fetus- oral infection- ovine abortion C.fetus subsp. veneralis- veneric infection - bovine abortion and nfetility Campylobacter species C.jejuni subsp. jejuni - normal intestinal flora in many animal species - aetiol. agent of diarrhea in: young animals humans= campylobacteriosis C.coli - normal intestinal flora in pigs and poultry Patogenesis of C.jejuni infection -intracellular infection Adherence is mediated by bacterial proteins (attachment by fibronectin binding proteins..) Invasion (depends on virulence) endocytosis (internalization) after 72 h period exponential growth is observed. Bacterial cells can be found in granulocytes and monocytes Inracellular survival in macrofages can contribute to disease severity and symptoms Genus: Helicobacter helical or curved G- rods motile microaerophilic oxidase positive catalase postive urease positive Helicobacter Habitat: stomach , small intestine, liver Pathogenicity for man and some animal species Helicobacter species H.hepaticus - heatitis in mouse and rats H.bilis-hepatitis in mouse H.pylori - human gastritis (monkey-primates, and cat ? H.felis-gastritis in cats and dogs H.canis-gastroenteritis in dogs H.pullorum- gastroenteritis Genus: Arcobacter curved to spiral small rods aerotolerant catalase positive DNAse positive susceptible to nalidixic acid Arcobacter species A.cryaerophilus- late term abortions in swine, cattle, horses, sheep and dogs - m


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