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试谈辅导员如何运用心理效应与学生谈话中英文对照 Try to talk about how to use the psychological effect and the students to talk in English 心理效应是社会生活当中较常见的心理现象和规律,是某种人物或事物的行为或作用,引起其他人物或事物产生相应变化的因果反应或连锁反应。同任何事一样,它具有积极与消极两方面的意义。因此,作为高职院校的辅导员,作为学生的第一精神导师,最了解学生的人,在平时和学生频繁谈话过程中,若能正确地认识、了解、掌握并利用心理效应,必能对平时的工作带来很大的帮助和作用。本文简述了辅导员在与学生谈话时可以巧妙运用的六种心理效应。 The psychological effect is the social life of psychological phenomenon more common and law, is the act or a person or thing, cause other people or things produce corresponding changes in the causal response or chain reaction. As with anything, it has two aspects of positive and negative significance. Therefore, as counselors in higher vocational colleges, as a student s first mentor, the understanding of students, in peacetime and students frequently in the course of the conversation, if can correctly recognize, understand, master and use the psychological effect, will be able to bring help and serious effect on the normal work. This paper describes the counselors in the talk with the students can be six kinds of psychological effect of clever use of.   【关键词】辅导员 心理效应 [ keyword ] psychological effect   高校辅导员是高等学校教师队伍的重要组成部分,是高等学校从事德育工作,开展学生思想政治教育工作的骨干力量,是高校学生日常思想政治教育和管理工作的组织者、实施者和引导者。辅导员肩负着提高大学生思想政治素质、文化素质和心理素质的重大责任,在工作中需要频繁地与学生进行沟通和交流,在这一过程中谈话的方式和技巧就显得十分重要,能够正确地认识、了解、掌握并利用一些心理效应对辅导员与学生的交流有很大的帮助。 College counselors is an important part of teachers in Colleges and universities, is engaged in the work of moral education of higher schools, the backbone of Ideological and political education, is the university student ideological and political education and daily management work of the organizers, perpetrators and guide. Counsellors shouldering improve major responsibility of College Students Ideological and political quality, cultural quality and psychological quality, in the work of the frequent need to communicate and exchange with the students, the methods and skills of conversation in this process is very important, can correctly recognize, understan


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