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Act out After Shirley’s self-introduction, senior purser Christine is going to give some flight information and assign the task. 理论部分结束 谢谢 作业 背单词 翻译第4页的第二题 内容到此全部结束 民航客舱服务实用英语 刘霞 question: What is first aid? What do the medical incidents include? Please give a few examples. Main idea: New words and expressions: Dialogues: Sentence patterns: Act out: New words and expressions airsickness 晕机 look pale, feel sick and dizzy, feel like throwing up Catch a bad cold 感冒 Have a sore throat, nose is stuffed up New words and expressions Nose-bleeding 流鼻血 Bend your head a little bit forward and pinch your nose with your thumb and your finger , give the ice to put on your nose bridge New words and expressions Vital important 非常重要的 This second finding is vital. Organ 器官 The liver is your largest internal organ. New words and expressions clammy 湿冷的 Her face burned and her hands went clammy. Napkin tissue 英国也叫纸巾作napkin.只是tissue和napkin是用於不一样的纸巾。如果是像在餐厅裏那种每一张独立的叫做napkin。而盒装,一张张抽出来使用的纸巾叫tissue。 New words and expressions Shock 昏迷,冲击 Reverse culture shock is very real. Burn 燃烧 This building is burning because of oil explosion. Sweating like a pig 汗流浃背 A passenger is suffering from airsickness Look pale, feel good, seem good, feel sick, feel dizzy 表示感觉的动词+adj. Feel like +doing 想要··· want to do sth. I dont feel like doing much of anything Suffer from ```遭受··· Millions more suffer from serious sleep deprivation caused by long work hours. Notes for dialogue one Had better do sth. 最好做··· You had better stay here. Lie down 躺下 I should lie down for a bit, if I were you。 Rinse out 清洗,洗掉 You should rinse your mouth out after eating。 Dialogue two Inquire 询问 The policeman is inquiring carefully the man. Do you sell ···? Item 项目,条款,商品 Provide···wih··· I provided him with a cup of coffee. Spirit 烈酒 wine 葡萄酒 alcohol 酒 Dialogue two catch a bad cold Catch a bad cold ,have a cold I caught a bad cold b


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