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Animals1.Do you like animals?2. Do you like keeping a pet? Why?3. Being vet is a good job. Do you agree or disagree? Why?4.Cloning animals are reasonable or not?5. Can you describe a kind of birds in your hometown?ZebraLion Camel Giraffe Antelope Kangaroo DragonflywoodpeckerMagpie 形容动物的词汇Flocky毛茸茸的Squab胖胖的Clever伶俐的Greedy嘴馋的Piquant调皮的Cute可爱的Lazy懒惰的Spoony痴情的Vivacious 活泼的What’s the function of animals?They help people to understand the variety of nature. They are important to the balance to ecosystem. They give delight to human beings. Besides, some animals such as pigs and cattle provide food to us.What are people’s attitudes towards animals in China?In China, most people love animals. We treat them as close friends.Do many people have pets at home in China?Yes, we do, especially those old people who regard feeding pets as their spiritual dependence.What kind of animals are popular in China?In my opinion, Chinese people like birds. Most of my neighbors raise birds at home. Dogs are the most popular pets in China.What birds do you have in this city?The sparrow and swallow are generally popular in this city. And occasionally, you may see the hawk.Years ago, we can see many birds, but recently only pigeons raised by citizens can be found due to the destruction to environment.What animals do you like/ dislike most?My favorite animal is panda. It is the national treasure of China.I like koalas most. They look so cute even if they are sleeping.Do you think it cruel to cage animals?Yes, it is extremely cruel to put animals in a cage.No, I think it depends on the purpose we cage them. Sometimes, people put animals in a cage just to protect them.How can the government protect animals?The most effective method, I think, is to publish the strict enforcement of law and discipline to regulate people.Education is a smart way for government to protect animals. The government can show some non-commercials on protecting animals. Do you think animals have rights just like people have


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