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Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad. 学习目标:1.学习谈论事物对你的影响。2.坦率地表达自己的情感和观点,并主动地与他人交流。一、词汇1.基础词汇 tense owner lighting serve pink knowledge design smoke shiny silky skin aim useful careful lead plane product instance confuse 2.重点短语 make me sad keep out learn from make sb. Do more than for instance help…to do so that have sale less than 二、日常用语1. Loud music makes me tense. 2. Loud music makes me want to dance. 3. That movie made me sad. 4. How do you feel about the movie? 三、知识讲解Section A: 1. Rainy days make me sad.  雨天让我感到悲伤。 ?★rainy adj. 多雨的  例如: the rainy season 雨季 rain  n.   雨     例如: The crops need rain. 庄稼需要雨水。 rain  v. 下雨    例如: It began to rain hard. 开始下大雨了。 make的用法(1) make +n.    make food  做饭   make a plane  做飞机  make the bed   铺床      make money    赚钱(2). make sb./sth. + adj. 使某人(感到),使……处于某种状态    make的宾语之后可跟名词,形容词,分词来充当宾语的补足语1)名词作make的宾语补足语  The party made her a good teacher. 党把她培养成为一名好教师.               2)形容词作make的宾语补足语Soccer makes me crazy.       足球使我疯狂。The soft music makes Tina sleepy. 轻柔的音乐使Tina快睡着了。Loud music makes me tense.??????????? 过大声音的音乐使我紧张   Loud music makes her happy.?????? 过大声音的音乐使她高兴。   Loud music makes them energetic.? 过大声音的音乐使他们觉得精力充沛。   It made her sad.????????????????? 这使她感到难过。   Waiting for her made me angry.??? 我很生气一直等着她。       happy,pleased,surprised,angry,annoyed,sad,upset,unhappy,worried,anxious,excited,relaxed,stressed out,tense,calm,scared,comfortable,sick … 3)分词作make的宾语补足语 例如:    I made myself understood by all the students.    You must make yourself respected.    There was so much noise,the speaker couldn’t make himself?? .(C)    A. hearing  B. to hear  C. heard   D. being heard(3). make sb. / sth. + do …使某人做某事(不能带不定式符号to)例如: Wars make the peace go away.      战争使和平远离。   ?? The color red makes people want to eat faster.    红色使人们吃得更快些。     注意:     当make 用于被动语态时,必须带不定式符号to.     例如:     We were made to work all night.????????? 我们被迫日夜工作。     I was made to repeat the story.????????? 我被迫重述这个故事。     People who won’t should be made to w


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