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直接引语与间接引语: 直接引语和间接引语在句中都作宾语。一字不漏地引述别人的话叫直接引语;用自己的话转述别人的话叫间接引语。直接引语变为间接引语应注意以下问题: (1)间接引语的引述动词,除了常见的say,tell外,还有ask,add,admit,announce,argue,explain,insist,promise,repeat,reply,suggest,warn等表示说话的动词。这些动词后的宾语从句常用从属连词that引导,这种连词有时可以省略。但当引导词为who,what,which,when,where,how,why等词时,这些疑问代词和疑问副词便不能省略。引述动词大多数可以不变,但有的必须变化,如:“What’s this? ”cried Dr. Sun.→Dr.Sun asked in surprise what that was。 时态变化的情况 如果主句为过去的某种时态,则间接引语的时态应相应向前推一个时态,如下表所示: 直接引语 间接引语 直接引语 间接引语 一般现在时 一般过去时 一般将来时 过去将来时 一般过去时 过去完成时 现在完成时 过去完成时 现在进行时 过去进行时 过去完成时 e.g.Tina said,“I usually get up at six.”→ Tim said she usually got up at six. 蒂娜说她通常六点起床。(一般现在时变为一般过去时) Martin told me,“I rang Alice yesterday.”→ Martin told me that he had rung Alice the day before. 马丁告诉我说他昨天已经给艾丽斯打电话了。(一般过去时变为过去完成时) Nina told me,“Lisa is studying abroad.” Nina told me that Lisa was studying abroad. 尼娜告诉我丽莎正在国外学习。(现在进行时变为过去进行时) Hayley said to me,“I will see you at the same place tomorrow.”→ Hayley said to me that she would see me at the same place the next day. 海莉对我讲她第二天要在同一地点见我。(一般将来时变为过去将来时) Nell said,“I have worked out this problem.”→ Nell said that she had worked out that problem. 内尔说她已经做出了那道题目。(现在完成时改为过去完成时) Bob told me,“I had worked here for years before I moved out.”→ Bob told me that he had worked there for years before he moved out. 鲍勃告诉我说他在那儿工作了多年才搬走。(过去完成时不变)(2)时态不需要变化的几种情况   一般说来当直接引语转为间接引语,被转述的话依然有效或在当时、当地转述时,常常不改变时态。具体有以下几种情况。 直接引语有确定的过去时间时。 e.g.Chloe said,“The story took place in the 1930s.”→ Chloe said that the story took place in the 1930s. 克劳说这个故事发生在二十世纪三十年代。 只着眼于转述事实,而不侧重动作先于转述动作的时间时。 e.g.The boy said,“I found the dog just at the edge of the wood.”→ The boy said that he found the dog just at the edge of the wood. 男孩说他在森林边上发现了那条狗。 所转述的动作或状态说话时仍在继续,并对此点加以强调时。 e.g.The reporter said,“The war is now still on.”→ The reporter said that the war is now still on. 记者说战争依然在继续。 Charlie told me,“I am just helping my dad on the farm right now.”→ Charlie told me that he is just helping his dad on the farm right now. 查理告诉我说他现在正在农场帮他父



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