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《高级英语阅读二》期末试题 (请把答案写在 答案卷 上) I Read Lesson 8 ,Text A “The Girl in the Fifth Row”, translate the following two sentences into Chinese. (阅读教材《高级英语阅读教程(下册) 》第八课课文A,翻译以下句子) On my first day as an assistant professor of education at the University of Southern California, I entered the classroom with a great deal of anxiety. My large class responded to my awkward smile and brief greeting with silence. For a few moments I fussed with my notes. Then I started my lecture, stammering; no one seemed to be listening. II Read lesson 3 ,Text A 揟o the Victor Belongs the Language《”, answer the following Questions (阅读教材第三课课文A ,回答问题): To the Victor Belongs the Language By Rita Mae Brown Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going. A study of the English language reveals a dramatic history and astonishing versatility. It is the language of survivors, of conquerors, of laughter. A word is more like a pendulum than a fixed entity. It can sweep by your ear and through its very sound suggest hidden meanings; preconscious associations. Listen to these words: blood, tranquil, democracy. Besides their literal meanings, they carry associations that are cultural as well as personal. One word can illustrate this idea of meaning in flux: revolution. The word enters English in the 14th century from Latin via French. (At least thats when it was first written; it may have been spoken earlier.) Revolution means a turning around; that was how it was used. Most often revolution was applied to astronomy to describe a planet revolving in space. The word carried no political meaning. Rebellion was the loaded political word. It too comes from Latin (as does about 60 percent of our word pool), and it means a renewal of war. In the I4th century rebellion was used to indicate a resistance to lawful authority. This can yield amusing results. Whichever side won called the losers rebels梩hey, the winners, being the repositor


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