学士学位论文_汽车票订票系统 .doc

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摘 要 随着我国铁路交通的不断发展,简单的窗口售票模式已经不能满足方便人们出行的目的。采用先进的网络技术开发出方便快捷的网上订票系统是现代客运业务发展的必然需求。本次设计的火车票网上订票系统通过访问主页,可以实现个人信息注册、车次车票价格查询、在线订票退票等基本功能,为用户提供方便快捷的订票服务。 本系统采用了B/S模式的结构设计,采用Java语言开发。界面设计采用MyEclipes8.5作为前台应用开发工具。后台选用MySQL5.5数据库进行支持,采用MySQL Workbench 提供数据库可视化设计、模型建立、以及管理功能。利用目前比较流行的Tomcat6.X搭建Web 应用服务器,提供通过网页访问功能。采用MVC开发模式实现系统的高内聚低耦合,确保系统的扩展性和安全性。 本系统共有六个功能模块:登录功能模块、个人主页模块、查询功能功能http://localhost:8080/TBS/ 可以访问系统主页面,普通用户可以进行个人资料的注册、车次车票查询、订票退票等操作,管理员用户可完成车票的管理、车次的管理、途径站点的管理等功能。 关键词:网上订票;火车票;MyEclipse;B/S模式 Abstract With the continuous development of China railroad transportation, the simple window ticket sales mode can not meet the purpose to make people travel convenient. Using the advanced network technology to develop convenient and fast online tickets booking system is the necessary of modern passenger transport business. Through the home page, the online train tickets booking system achieved some basic functions such as personal information registration, train lines inquiry and prices inquiry online tickets booking and refunding and so on, that can provide convenient and fast service for users. The B/S mode was adopted in the system for the structural design, and developed by Java language. In the interface design, the MyEclipes8.5 was used as the front desk software developing tool, and MySQL5.5 database was used to support the background. By means of the MySQL Workbench, it provides database visual design, model establishment, and management function. It was used that present partly fashionable Tomcat6.X to build the Web AS, and to visit web function. The MVC development module was used to implement the systems high cohesion together with low coupling to make sure the expansibility and safety of the system. There were total six function modules in the system, that includes the login function module, the individual homepage module, the inquiring function module, the train tickets booking module, the train line management function and the train tickets man



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