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六级考试冲刺作文范文四   2003第三季度中国/全球手机销量:   销售量 同比增长   中国 1849万台 22.79%   全球 1.328亿台 22%   1.描述该表格   2.分析原因   3.预测未来的发展趋势及对个人与社会的影响  The dawn of this new century witnessed the popularization of mobile phones. Purchases of mobile phones soared.(图表作文并不一定一开始就要描述图表) This chart depicts the sales volume of mobile phones domestically and globally.(先把图表反映的是什么总的说一下,然后再展开)The statistics show that China, in the third quarter of 2003,enjoys a sales volume of 18.49 millions, increasing by 22.79, compared with the corresponding period of last year. In the meantime, the global market boasts a sales volume of 132.8 millions, increasing by 22%.  Why was there such a dramatic acceleration in the purchase of mobile phones?  This phenomenon, for my part, can de attributed to two reasons. Firstly, the fast development of telecommunications technology ignited a huge expansion in mobile production. Secondly, the price of mobile phones has dropped substantially over the past decade, which transformed the mobile phone from an unaffordable luxury into a fashion accessory. A buying spree by people world-wide quickly brought cell phones into millions of households.  As is true of (正如) any technological innovation, the development of mobile phones will experience an explosive growth in the foreseeable future. Mobile phones have had and will continue to have a far-reaching impact on both individuals and society. Mobile phones will revolutionize the way people communicate, gather information, do business, maintain ties with family members and even run the government. The ability to communicate instantly with people in other parts of the world, to have online access to a vast array of information via mobiles-- all of these capabilities will open up new possibilities unimaginable decades ago.四、六级考试冲刺作文范文六   给同学的一封回信?  Dear Xie, June 19, 2004  You mentioned in your last letter that you are considering furthering your study abroad and wondering if this is a step worth taking. In my view, you should look at bo


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