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If somethings wrong, put it right! Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, which is very important. No reason. I only meant I hope youre enjoying yourself. I know I would be in your shoes. You be careful, Mary. Sir Richard Mustnt think youre after him. The truth is neither here nor there. 不相干;与题目不相干;不重要;Its the look of the thing that matters. Ask Rosamund. Itll take the edge off it. 使情形缓和 My dear, Rosamund is not a house party. Shes blood. They can dig something up Why not? Hes got broad shoulders. 能担负重任 ; 能担当 重任 ; 身体结实 I expect theres no end to the things they could manage. I understand, milord. But wed rather know the worst than wonder. which should do the trick. ?解决问题/ 对……有用 Theres room for sentiment, but not sentimentality. Shes a soppy sort.自做多情的 Its not so bad. And it lived up to its name and got me home. Well have none of your cheek, thank you, Thomas.别这么放 肆 And tell her I mean it. Really. You can cover for Nurse Crawley Is everything under control? Stage fright. Thank God Touch wood但愿走好运 What do you think Mary sees in him? So now youve met Granny. I warn you, she has very strong opinions. You dont think shed be happier with a more traditional set-up? I must trust the dinner to you. I dont understand it. He seemed so solid when I met him, even taciturn. Now hes a bundle of nerves. 沉默寡言的;无言的,不太说话的 / 神经极紧张的人 As if any man in his right mind could prefer Miss Swire to you. But Im not ashamed of being what they call a self-made man. Im proud of it. But even I will concede that the heart does not exist solely for the purpose of pumping blood That is charming. Especially from you. But Mary seems to have...blotted her copybook in some way. 有污点, Sir Richard is powerful and rich, and well on the way to a peerage. Of course, he may not be all that one would wish, but Mary can soon smooth off the rough edges. H



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