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Report for Economic Issues Outcome 3 Candidate Name Chen Kai Candidate Class GTB2 Candidate ID GJ110112011 Assessor’s name Liu Cheng Hao Date Jun 26,,2014 1st Record of Performance 2nd Record of Performance 3rd Record of Performance 4th Record of Performance Declaration I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person or material which has to a substantial extent been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma at any university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text. 原创性声明 兹呈交的论文,是本人在导师指导下独立完成的研究成果,在论文写作过程中参考的其他个人或集体的研究成果均在文中以明确方式标明,本人依法享有和承担由此论文而产生的权利和责任。 Signature(签名): ________________ Date(时间): ________________ Table of contents 1. Introduction 4 2. Body 4 2.1 Market failure 4 2.1.1Public Goods 4 2.1.2Merit Goods 5 2.1.3Externalities 5 2.1.4 Imperfect Competition. 5 2.2 Government policy on welfare 6 3. Conclusion 6 Reference 7 1. Introduction My reporter is expounding the market failure, and in my explanation I make appropriate reference to the role of government in relation to each of the following: Public Goods, Merit Goods, Externalities and Imperfect Competition. Later, I will explain the government policy on welfare and identify and describe the instruments the government use to achieve their policy and give a justified evaluation of the performance of the policy in relation. Body 2.1 Market failure Market fail, Configuration of goods and services can not be an efficient market situation. That is, they do not provide all of the goods and services needed by the Government, not by society! As a result of this failure governments develop a role and intervene in the economy to overcome these problems. Market failure is also commonly used to describe the market forces can not s


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