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have/ has 与 There be 结构区分 Key phrases explanation Teaching aims and demands: Master the differences between have/has and there be Know how to use let sb do sth. Master how to use the answer “That sounds fun.” 1. have / has 表示人/动物/某物 “有” 你有一只闹钟吗? Do you have an alarm clock? 他有一本英汉词典吗? Does he have an English-Chinese dictionary? 这座教室有四个窗子。 The classroom has four windows. 猫有四条腿。 A cat has four legs. 2. There be(is/are) … 表示某地有… There is + a/an +单名+ 地点. 桌子上有一张身份证。 There is an ID card on the desk. 在我们学校有个网球俱乐部 There is a tennis club in our school. 今天下午有一场篮球赛。 There is a basketball game this afternoon. There is + 不可数名词+地点. 瓶子里有一些水。 There’s some water in the bottle. 杯子里没有一些牛奶 There isn’t any milk in the cup. There are + 复数名词+地点. 树下有一些女老师。 There’re some women teachers under the tree. 操场上有许多学生。 There are many students on the playground. There be(is/are) 谓语动词采取就近原则。 There ____ an interesting book and two erasers in the drawer. There ____ two dictionaries and a photo on the chair. 作业 一、改错 把下列句子错误找出,并写出正确的句子。 1. Does he has an ID card? 2. Sally doesn’t has an egg. 3. There has some milk in the bottle. 4. There have some children on the playground. 5. There has a football game this evening. 6. Ed there is an interesting video tape. 7. There are a ring and two earrings on the dresser. 8. The table there are three legs. 9. Is there many students behind the classroom? 10. There aren’t some money(钱) in the drawer. 3. let sb do sth. 让某人做某事 李老师让我们看电视。 Mr. Li lets us watch TV. 让他打排球吧。 Let him play volleyball. 4. That sounds fun. sound+形容词(作表语) 那听起来很有趣/乏味/好/很棒/很精彩。 That sounds fun/interesting/boring/good/nice/great/wonderful. -Let’s play computer games. – All right./ OK./ Great./ Good idea. / That’s a good idea./ (That sounds fun/interesting/boring/good/nice/great/wonderful.) 用所给动词的适当形式 填空 1. Let him _____(help) us. 2. We let the boy ________ (answer) the question. 3. That _______(sound) fun. 4. There are many_______ (club) i


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