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全息光栅的制备与研究 摘 要 光栅也称衍射光栅。是利用多缝衍射原理使光发生色散(分解为光谱)的光学元件。它是一块刻有大量平行等宽、等距狭缝(刻线)的平面玻璃或金属片。光栅的狭缝数量很大,一般每毫米几十至几千条。单色平行光通过光栅每个缝的衍射和各缝间的干涉,形成暗条纹很宽、明条纹很细的图样,这些锐细而明亮的条纹称作谱线。谱线的位置随波长而异,当复色光通过光栅后,不同波长的谱线在不同的位置出现而形成光谱。光通过光栅形成光谱是单缝衍射和多缝干涉的共同结果。   衍射光栅在屏幕上产生的光谱线的位置,可用式(a+b)(sinφ ± sinθ) = kλ表示。式中a代表狭缝宽度,b代表狭缝间距,φ为衍射角,θ为光的入射方向与光栅平面法线之间的夹角,k为明条纹光谱级数(k=0,±1,±2……),λ为波长,a+b称作光栅常数。用此式可以计算光波波长。光栅产生的条纹的特点是:明条纹很亮很窄,相邻明纹间的暗区很宽,衍射图样十分清晰。因而利用光栅衍射可以精确地测定波长。衍射光栅的分辨本领R=l/Dl=kN。其中N为狭缝数,狭缝数越多明条纹越亮、越细,光栅分辨本领就越高。增大缝数N提高分辨本领是光栅技术中的重要课题。   最早的光栅是1821年由德国科学家J.夫琅和费用细金属丝密排地绕在两平行细螺丝上制成的。因形如栅栏,故名为“光栅”。现代光栅是用精密的刻划机在玻璃或金属片上刻划而成的。光栅是光栅摄谱仪的核心组成部分,其种类很多。按所用光是透射还是反射分为透射光栅、反射光栅。反射光栅使用较为广泛;按其形状又分为平面光栅和凹面光栅。此外还有全息光栅、正交光栅、相光栅、炫耀光栅、阶梯光栅等。 关键词:?光栅,衍射,摄谱仪,全息技术 Research of Preparation and study of holographic grating Abstract Also known as the diffraction grating grating. Is the use of multiple slit diffraction principle to make the light dispersion ( decomposition spectrum ) of optical components. It is carved into a substantially parallel, equidistant slit width ( line) of the plane glass or metal. Grating slit number is large, general every mm of tens to thousands of. Parallel optical light passing through each stitch diffraction and interference between the joints, forming dark streaks very broad, bright fringe is very fine drawings, these sharp thin and bright stripes called spectral line. Spectral line wavelength varies with the position, when the polychromatic light with different wavelengths through the grating, spertal lines in different position of form a spectrum. Light passes through the grating formation spectrum is the single slit diffraction and multiple slit interference joint outcome. Diffraction gratings generated on the screen of the spectral line position, available type (a+b ) ( sin P + sin theta ) = k L. Type in a represents the slit width, B stands for slit spacing, for the diffraction angle, theta is a direction of incidence of the light and the angle between the plane of the grating norm


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