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非谓语动词----分词 present participle past participle 怀集一中 王美凤 The first lady of China Liyuan style, a term ______(use) to describe the style of Chinas First Lady Peng Liyuan, has become associated with ____________(elegant) and grace and as a symbol of modern China. Chinese First Lady Peng helps her husband ____________(convey) a friendly image of China used elegance to convey Peng liyuan, ___________(consider) as Chinese most beautiful first lady, She delivered a speech in English at the United Nations in New York on Sept 26, 2015,__________(attract) widespread attention and ___________(win) hearts inside and outside of China. considered attracting winning 概述: 分词在句中起形容词和副词的作用,可作 ____,____,_____,_________. 分词有两种形式:____ 分词和 _____ 分词。 分词的时态和语态。过去分词只有一种形式,它表 示一个被动或完成的动作。 The fallen leaves means the autumn’s coming. The building built last year is our library. (表完成) (表被动) 表语 定语 状语 宾语补足语 现在 过去 现在分词的形式结构 语态 时态 主动形式 被动形式 一般式 完成式 doing being done having done having been done 现在分词可分为一般式和完成式两种;在语态上可分为主动语态和被动语态。 一般式: The boy swimming in the river is his brother. 完成式: Having finished the job,she went home. Having been criticized \Criticized by the teacher, he decided to study hard. (在时间上表示一个正在进行或与谓语动词同时发生或存在的动作和状态) (在时间上表示该动作先于谓语动词的动作或状态) 分词的否定式: not + 分词 ①Not having received his letter,he decided to call him. ②Not knowing his address,she cannot get in touch with him. 分词的作用: 1、作表语 Watching the exciting football match,they were very_________.(excite) The football match is very_________. 现在分词作表语表示主语所具有的性质和特征;过 去分词作表语表示主语所处的状态。__________通 常用来修饰物;__________通常用来修饰人或与人 的感情色彩、面部表情相关的词。如:an interesting story; a surprised look等。 excited exciting 现在分词 过去分词 2、作定语(相当于一个定语从句) The meeting_______ last week is of great importance. (hold) ____________________________________________ The boy _______football on the playground is my brother. (play) ______________________________________________ The meeting which was held last week is of great importance. The boy who is playin


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