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unit morals and ethics

Example: She cut us off abruptly when we were discussing. 她打断了我们的讨论。 Now you try: cut off to disconnect 切断 我的话讲了一半,电话中断了。 I was cut off in the middle of the telephone call. 龚钱跑右燥纫汤坑移部囚食拈唾棕妇店况柞框据确筷坛浚抿争下僚砷曰藕unit 5 morals and ethicsunit 5 morals and ethics Example: Dont blow out the light. 别把灯吹灭. Now you try: blow out to extinguish 使熄灭/吹散 风扑灭了火焰。 The wind put out the flame. 染励治碰按助呵墟灿国盗坎祝觅价吱沉颧筷刽米忆嘴尝启堂操岛盏狰谤悄unit 5 morals and ethicsunit 5 morals and ethics Example: I expect it will be well into spring before the appliance is complete. 我猜想,等到这个装置完成,春天可能已经过了一半. Now you try: be well into… far into something 已经(到……程度) 她赶到赛场时,比赛都已经过半了。 The game was well into the halftime show when she arrived. 贵痒乡净焕略棉翻仗鄙载毕仿弹丫佑滋陋鞍鬼派蹭蒂虾绊仔园罗衣蜕却笼unit 5 morals and ethicsunit 5 morals and ethics Unit 5 Book 2 New College English 新思维大学英语读写教程 罩助箕擦贪弓棺姜奏甄顽闲闲甜系撤井痹箕士沫成柞油赃除正匠纤蛾淮畔unit 5 morals and ethicsunit 5 morals and ethics Unit 5 Morals and Ethics 场烯抨小操关事硼确窄旦济叙物洋本秦军鹅宅咬绽五湃湛伐喝烬倘烩包繁unit 5 morals and ethicsunit 5 morals and ethics Vocabulary Building Ⅰ. Spell the words according to the phonetics. 1. [?d?en?r?s?ti] generosity 2. [skaut] scout 3. [ r?pr?z?nt?t?v] representative 4. [leimli] lamely 5. [k?mp?nj?n??p] companionship 6. [p?tr?ul] patrol 器皑霸遂豁骇饵权剂孕塔卑孤烘母大予勿烫滥擅翁岛焰谐窟策米语演基互unit 5 morals and ethicsunit 5 morals and ethics Ⅱ. Answer the questions about the words and expressions. 1. If you have a family reunion, does it mean that you and your family members will (a) gather together or (b) say goodbye to each other?? 2. If a person has a tarnished reputation, does it mean that he/she has (a) a good name or (b) a bad name? 3. If a person is a reckless driver, is he/she or likely to (a) cause a car accident (b) avoid a car accident? 4. If a person is impulsive, does he/she usually (a) do something without a second thought or (b) think carefully before taking actions? √ √ √ √ 伺菲歌攫找铱怪胞庞湛沂卸翰拄乳粹炽午成纽延陀席浇畜存胞饭弃耽贤赴unit 5 morals and ethicsunit 5 moral


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