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营运计划Operating plan营运计划是将战略转化为行动的计划。营运计划应该向前看,考虑如何进行。An operating plan includes the programs your business is going to complete within one year to reach the desired levels of such objectives as earnings, sales margins, and cash flow【营运计划包括你公司在一年内要完成的各项行动方案,以期盈余、销售额、现金流量等指标达到所希望的水平】. Among these programs are: product launchesthe marketing plan and a sales plan that takes advantage of market opportunities【营销计划和运用市场机会的销售计划】manufacturing plan that stipulates [???????????]规定production outputs规定产出的制造计划a productivity plan that improves efficiency改善效率的生产力计划.The operating plan specifies how the various moving parts of the business will be synchronized 【synchronize [???????????]同步】to achieve the targets, deals with trade-offs that need to be made, and looks at contingencies【contingency [?????????????? ]偶然, 可能性】for the things that can go wrong or offer unexpected [?????????????]想不到的, 意外的opportunities.In the operating plan, the leader is primarily [???????????]主要地responsible for overseeing 【oversee [?????????]俯瞰, 检查】the seamless [????????]无缝合线的transition from strategy to operations【以营运计划而言,领导人的主要任务是监督战略能顺畅无阻地转到营运上】. She has to set the goals, link the details of the operations process to the people and strategy processes【领导人必须设定目标,将营运流程的各个细节衔接到人员流程与战略流程上】, and lead the operating reviews that bring people together around the operating plan. She has to make timely, incisive 尖刻的judgments and trade-offs in the face of myriad [???????] 许多的;无数的= innumerable possibilities and uncertainties【在面对无数的机会与不确定时,及时做出睿智的判断与取舍】. She has to conduct robust dialogue【进行强力对话】 that surfaces truth. And she must, all the while【adv.一直, 始终】, be teaching her people how to do these things as well. At the same time, the leader is learning—about her people, and how they behave [?????????]行为表现when the rubber meets the road, and about the pitfalls that beset [ ?????? ]困扰【To trouble persistently; harass】elegant strategies【了解自己的员在事到临头时的行为表现,还有看似完美的计划可能会遇到什么陷阱】.Its not just the leader alone [??????] who has to be pr


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