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Front Page News Scan Para.C, F and answer these questions. 1 What are the two important features of headlines? 2 Why is the headline of a frontvery important? 3 When a big news event happens, what is special about the headline? 4 What will happen if a newspaper overuses shock methods? Scan Paragraph E and fill in blanks: The lead takes _________________, usually the _______________ of the page. 2. A strong picture occupies ____________of the page. 3. The second-lead, third-lead and other stories in ____________ headings follow the lead. Two schools of thought Fill in the table Shop window * By Alicia Zhu Class 2 Senior One newsstand contents ________________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ The most important happenings of the day An index A brief weather forecast common practice It is that we have a class meeting every Friday. Scan Para. B To help the reader quickly locate certain sections of the paper informative eye-catching be tempted to buy runs the full width set in a bold type lose its reputation determine 1 What are the two important features of headlines? 2 Why is the headline of a frontvery important? 3 When a big news event happens, what is special about the headline? 4 What will happen if a newspaper overuses shock methods? the prime position the top center size-graded top left-hand corner Match game the second-lead lead a strong picture the third-lead the second-lead lead a strong picture the third-lead Read Paragraph D Other sections are the goods A newspaper is a shop A newspaper is a store with many windows the front page is a shop window (window-dressing) The front page is a window Other sections are the same windows not mentioned the same standard for every section Concentra-tion on the front page disadvantage advantage 2 schools of thought tempt people to buy a newspaper reduce the value of other sections have a sense of unity 1 One minute to compose YOUR front


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