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Advanced Topics in Data Mining: Sequential Patterns Sequential Pattern Mining Progress in bar-code technology has made it possible for retail organizations to collect and store massive amounts of sales data, referred to as the basket data A record in such data typically consists of the transaction date and the items bought in the transaction Very often, data records also contain customer-id, particularly when the purchase has been made using a credit card or a frequent-buyer card Catalog companies also collect such data using the orders they receive Sequential Pattern Mining An example of such a pattern is that customers typically rent “Star Wars (星際大戰)”, then “Empire Strikes Back (帝國大反擊)”, and then “Return of the Jedi (絕地大反攻)” These rentals need not be consecutive Customers who rent some other videos in between also support this sequential pattern Elements of a sequential pattern need not be simple items “Computer Science and Programming Language”, followed by “Data Structure”, followed by “System Programs and Operating Systems” is an example of a sequential pattern in which the elements are sets of items Sequential Pattern Mining Given Transaction Time, Customer Id, Items Bought Definition The length of a sequence is the number of itemsets in the sequence A sequence of length k is called a k-sequence The support for an itemset i is defined as the fraction of customers who bought the items in i in a single transaction The itemset i and the 1-sequence i have the same support An itemset with minimum support is called a large (frequent) itemset or litemset AprioriAll Algorithm Each itemset in a large sequence must have minimum support Any large sequence must be a list of litemsets Finding all sequential patterns in five phases Sort Phase Litemset Phase Transformation Phase Sequence Phase Maximal Phase AprioriAll Algorithm: Sort Phase AprioriAll Algorithm: Litemset Phase AprioriAll Algorithm: Transformation Phase AprioriAll Algorithm: Sequence Phase Sequence Phase: C


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