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* Advance English Module 1 Unit 1 School life Task Project Task Reporting school activities Skill building 1: understanding a programme A famous scientist will visit several high schools. As a news reporter, you are asking him about his programme for next week. Listen to the scientist and circle the correct answer to each question. ( ) 1. A. 21Oct. B. 22Oct. C. 23Oct. ( ) 2. A. Mon. B. Tue. C. Wed. ( ) 3. A. 9.30p.m. B. 12.45p.m. C. 6.00p.m. ( ) 4. A. Datong High School. B. Guanghua Hign School. C. Xiangming High School. ( ) 5. A. Give a talk to the students. B. Attend an important school meeting. C. Go to a school concert. A B A C C Advance English Module 1 Unit 1 School life Task Project Task Reporting school activities Step 1: completing a timetable for a school programme 1. 3 p.m. 1. 4 p.m. 2. Science teacher 2. Scientist 3. Room 306, Building 4 3. Room 396, Building 4 4. Famous football players 4. Famous football matches 5. 25 Oct. 5. 26 Oct. 6. Wed 6. Fri Advance English Module 1 Unit 1 School life Task Project Task Reporting school activities Skill building 2: comparing information Title Author Year Price Dynasties of China Prof Gu Yahui 2003 ¥18.99 Chinese Dynasties Dr Hu Lin 1999 ¥18.95 Dynasties through the Ages Prof Li Jun 2008 ¥29.49 Chinese History Prof Xi Wen 2008 ¥18.25 The Rise of the Dynasties Prof Gu Yahui 2009 ¥18.34 History of China Prof Brian Smith 1996 ¥19.60 A Chinese Dynasty Simon Barclay 2002 ¥28.00 The Rise of the Dynasties Prof Gu Yahui 2009 ¥18.34 1. The title: 2. The price: 3. The year: 4. The writer/ author: with the word Dynasties having the figure 8 after 2007 a famous professor Advance English Module 1 Unit 1 School life Task Project Project Starting a new school club Listen carefully and tell which of the following are true or false. ( ) 1. The radio club was run by students for the school. ( ) 2. Besides music, we broadcast weather, re


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