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30:45-31.27 46:27 * * 一般事情会按照优先矩阵中的重要程度和紧急程度来进行划分: 1、既重要又紧急:危机或投诉发生,必须马上处理 2、重要但不紧急:做规划、沟通、建立人际关系,虽然不紧急,但要多花时间在上面 3、不重要但紧急:电话、会议等,要尽量减少 4、既不重要也不紧急:无意义的闲聊,要尽量避免 * * * (2分钟) 信息共享是团队合作最大的好处之一——整个团队拥有丰富的知识,而每一个成员都会贡献各自的知识,也得到新的知识。帮助学生认识到他们的知识是团队知识的一部分——他们应当意识到自己有责任随时与团队成员分享有用的知识。 Use your ears first, then open your mouth 中医看病:先望、闻、问、切,再开药方。 Ask a participant to come to the board and write it down. Encourage him/her to explain. I dislike the simplified Chinese “listen”, and like the complex one. Why? The simple one comes first with “mouth” but the complex one comes with “ears” – this is exactly in line with the effective communication - use your ear first (listen), then your mouth (speak). You can’t reverse. The God gave us two ears and eyes respectively, he wanted us to listen and see more rather than talk more.. Chinese “聪“. Only if you listen with empathy, you will be smart “Cong”. Most common way is to listen and speak during communication Explain more on Listen and Speak Explain POWER model for business writing – management by writing. “攘外必先安内“-get the team alignment in the meeting before communicating to the outside of the team. Look at these pictures. What are the different levels of conflict? There is discomfort. You know something is wrong but you are not sure what or why. Distance starts increasing. There is difficulty in communication. That leads to incidents which aggravate the problem. Leading to a misunderstanding Which causes tension finally a crisis! Conflict is like the friction that lights the match. If friction was not present, we would not have fire which we need to cook our food, warm ourselves even light our candles. But if the match is lit in the wrong place, it can burn down your house. Conflict is a fact of life because we are all different. There is bound to be a clash in needs / wants but it is upto the team and the members to make what they want of the conflict. There could be good conflict or bad conflict. ”不打不成交“ 思维的碰撞才有火花 繁体汉字”谈“


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