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动态世界 World in Motion EELY公司 “电子纸应用先驱” 2010 EELY Corporation “Leader in Electronic Paper Applications” 2010 世界的要求在不断提高,对公司和消费者来说要求比以往任何时候都要高. The world is more demanding than ever for both companies and consumers. 公司:力求在他们能想到的每一个角落展示他们的品牌,如购物广场,地铁,车站甚至是在电梯里. COMPANIES :compete to show their brands in every place they can – shopping malls, subways, bus stands, and even in elevators. 但是现今的广告不能引起社会的注意.静态的海报对这个满是其他静态广告模式的世界没有任何效果. However, advertisements are now being ignored by society. Static posters have little effect in a world full of other static ads. 必须有更多的新奇来吸引客户. 那就必须是动态的. There MUST be more to ATTRACT customers. There MUST be motion! 动态世界 World in Motion ! 消费者:如同公司一样,希望能有不同的方式去展现自己. CONSUMERS, just like companies, want ways to differentiate and express themselves. 鞋,提包,衣服等等,十年前后的东西都一样,仅仅在设计上有稍许区别,没有特点. Shoes, handbags, clothing…etc., that were made 10 years ago are the same today, only different in design. Nothing special. 必须有新的方式来体现消费者的新需求. There MUST be a solution to fill the demands of the consumer! 动态世界 World in Motion ! 上海意力设计并寻找新的方案为消费者实现将长久的,能支付的,便于携带(无线)的动态的运用于任何曾认为不可能实现的地方. Shanghai EELY Corporation designs and creates solutions for our customer to deliver long lasting, affordable, portable motion (without wires) to places where it was once thought impossible or impractical. 欢迎来到上海意力 Welcome to Shanghai EELY 广告 Advertising 产品整合 Product Integration 以下是我们的主要产品(但不限于此): Our main focus are (but not limited to): 1. What is Ink-In-Motion? 我们是如何做到的! How we do it ! 借助电子纸,我们让静态的世界动起来! Using Electronic Paper, we bring the static world to MOTION! 我们提供整套解决方案,不需电源插口. Our solutions are self-contained solutions and do not require a power outlet. 摩托罗拉广告 Motorola Ad 10x10cm 显示器 10x10cm display 电池供电 Battery Powered 电池寿命6个月 6 months run time 1.无线—电池或太阳能供电No Wires – Battery or Solar Powered 2.如纸张一样轻薄,可以弯曲Thin, Light Weight, Flexible like paper 3.清晰显示-无模糊图形Crystal Clear Display – No Blurry Images 7.吸引更多眼球Attracts More Attention 柱形图表由ProcterGamble公司调研


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