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摘 要 我国薯类资源丰富,种植面积、总产量均居世界首位,但是薯类资源主要分布在经济相对落后的地区,对薯类的加工,尤其是深加工,无论是产品种类、数量还是质量都还很落后,没有形成规模。传统的加工方法是将薯加工成淀粉、果脯、粉丝等,综合利用极少,另一方面,我国薯类淀粉和粉丝加工工艺陈旧,手工操作多,机械设备少且不配套,加工产量和质量难以满足生产要求,致使附加值不高。为推动薯类深加工,拓宽薯类资源的加工范围,研究了通心薯类粉丝加工工艺及粉丝成型机械。 通心粉多以精制小麦粉为主要原料,加工设备主要由面粉加工设备组成,但其主要原料价格昂贵,生产工艺复杂,未能形成规模。以薯类为原料加工淀粉制作粉丝是最近几年发展较快的农产品加工业之一。粉丝也是我国目前薯类加工的大宗产品。 研究了市场上已经研发出来的一些粉丝成型机,在此基础上进行了稍许的改进与创新,设计了一款可以制作通心粉丝的成型机。并通过计算校核,确定该设计产品符合设计要求。 关键词:薯类淀粉 通心粉丝 加工机械 成型机 Abstract Chinas potato is rich in resources. The acreage and total production are both top of the world. But the potato resources are mainly distributed in the economy is relatively backward areas. Potato processing, especially in deep-processing, both of the product type, quantity and quality are still very backward, and there is no scale. The traditional method of processing is that process potato into starch, candied fruits, silk noodles. On the other hand, Chinas potato starch and silk noodles processing is obsolete. The mechanical equipments are scarcity and without supporting. Therefore the yield and quality is difficult to suffice the production requirements. To promote potato deep-processing and the scope of the processing of potatoes resources, I researched the process of macaroni potato fans and fans molding machinery. The macaroni generally made ??from refined wheat flour. Processing equipment mainly consists of flour processing equipment. However its main raw materials are expensive and the production process is complicated. The whole system failed to form a scale. The production of silk noodles with potato starch has become one of the agricultural product processing industries with rapid development. Silk noodles, but also are bulk products of potato processing currently. Key words: Potato starch Macaroni Processing machine Molding machine 目 录 第1章 绪论 - 1 - 1.1引言 - 1 - 1.2淀粉的一些基本性质 - 2 - 1.2.1淀粉 - 2 - 1.2.2预糊化淀粉 - 2 - 1.2.3淀粉的糊化 - 2 - 1.3制作粉丝的传统方法 - 3 - 1.3.1原理


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