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完型填空A1、A very new, young officer was at a railway station. He was on his way to visit his mother (1)C:another (2) B:so that (3)B:station (4) C:found (5) C:around (6)C:for (7)A:answered (8) D:pocket (9)A:start (10)D:quickly2、An old man died and left his son ___21___ money. But the son was a foolish young man, and he (1)B:a lot of   (2)B:all the    (3) D:nothing  (4) C:left (5) A:they (6)B:happen (7) B:worry (8) A:much (9)C:get rich (10)B:didnt3、A city man was on holiday in the mountains. He talked ___21___ a mountain man and found that (1)A:with (2)D:so (3)C:play (4) B:each other (5)C:pay (6)A:about (7) D:than (8)B:What (9) C:then (10)D:either4、As she walked round the large shop, Edith realized how difficult it was to choose a suitable (1)D:gift  (2)C:always  (3)C:Besides (4)A:unhappy (5) B:find  (6)A:real (7)A:stopped   (8)C:only (9)A:excitement (10)C:surprised5、A FOX one day fell into a deep well and could find no way out. A thirsty Goat, came to the same (1)B:seeing (2) A:from   (3)C:jumped (4) D:on  (5) A:up (6)B:afterwards (7)A:reached (8)B:fast  (9)A:But (10)D:leap6、Almost everyone __21__ the meanings of Mr, Mrs and Miss. Mr is used before the names of (1) A:knows   (2)B:what   (3)D:some time  (4)C:better than (5)D:Mr (6) A:men (7)B:Not all (8)D:it (9)A:sounds like (10)B:do7. Americans have always had great faith in education. They believe that all citizens (1)D:education (2)A:vote (3)B:absorb (4)A:local (5) B:systems (6)C:including (7)C:vocational (8)D:specialized (9)C:abilities (10)C:available 71 American people divide their days 21 several blocks 22 time, and plan different activities 23 21. C. into


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