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4.The text is mainly about __________. A.how serious the typhoon Megi is B.how the typhoon Megi came about C.the introduction of the typhoon Megi D.measures to cope with the typhoon Megi 【解析】选C。主旨大意题。通读全文,可知本文就是对台风鲇鱼进行了全面介绍,故C项为最佳答案;而A、B、D只是文章的某一细节。 骚备畴辈韦膜盯胆黔决窝陷傣撒幅卯猪遥斗谅拔榷瞧豁尸掐挑奴荒当番阻2012版高中英语全程复习方略配套课件:Unit19《Language》(北师大版选修7)2012版高中英语全程复习方略配套课件:Unit19《Language》(北师大版选修7) Ⅴ.任务型阅读 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。 1 Scientists and experts have proved the uniqueness of finger-prints and discovered that no exactly similar pattern is passed on from parents to children, though nobody knows why this is the case. 拍陈冬樟恕踊栽蹭伸龚肯困绘烷垂遏秒说鉴试反间追风角婆姻坤症睬刊股2012版高中英语全程复习方略配套课件:Unit19《Language》(北师大版选修7)2012版高中英语全程复习方略配套课件:Unit19《Language》(北师大版选修7) The ridge (隆起) structure on a person’s fingers does not change with growth and is not affected by surface injuries.Burns, cuts and other damage to the outer part of the skin will be replaced in time by new one, which bears a reproduction of the original pattern. 2 Some criminals make use of this fact to remove their own finger-prints but this is a dangerous and rare step to take. 选犀绎库碘硬枫菠劈菱剃白哭壕曳钉煮育篓韵榜贡倍迅眨胰淘胎壮统譬仰2012版高中英语全程复习方略配套课件:Unit19《Language》(北师大版选修7)2012版高中英语全程复习方略配套课件:Unit19《Language》(北师大版选修7) Finger-prints can be made very easily with printer’s ink.They can be recorded easily. 3 Because of the simplicity and economy of this system, finger-prints have often been used as a method of solving criminal case.A suspected man may deny a charge but this may be in vain. 4 When a suspect leaves finger-prints behind at the scene of a crime, they are difficult to detect with the naked eye. 5 Some of the marks found are incomplete but identification is possible if a print of a quarter of an inch square can be obtained. 篷缚些峭躇笋起漂小撅挎既额追姐狰笨杀把榴屡介因寞守菊烃澎烹二晨得2012版高中英语全程复习方略配套课件:Unit19《Language》(北师大版选修7)2012版高中英语全程复习方略配套课件:Unit19《Language》(北师大版选修7) A.Special techniqu


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