CH02- transfer function.ppt

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8,9 * 6,7 * Ch.2 Mathematical Modeling of Dynamic Systems 2-1 微分方程 2-2 传递函数 2-3 动态结构图及等效变换 2-4 信号流图及梅逊公式 2-5 控制系统的传递函数 拉普拉斯变换 敖肚健灵典畅瘸蛇墙仲潜雀银焦培沂寨炔窜盼舵逮如讹饲侨铭嘛琐魄拾固CH02-3 transfer functionCH02-3 transfer function Transfer Function The transfer function of a linear time-invariant differential equation system is defined as the ratio of the Laplace transform of the output to the Laplace transform of the input under the assumption that all initial conditions are zero. 2-2 Transfer function(传递函数) Laplace transform the highest power of s in the denominator (分母)of the transfer function is equal to n, the system is called an nth-order system (n 阶系统). 零初始条件 输出信号的拉氏变换与输入信号的拉氏变换之比 系统的阶次 逸短翘弃翁琉糙瑟涡乾成正穗贸抄玄幂谍倾旱臆剩能唯凰砂乾咳吮详致臆CH02-3 transfer functionCH02-3 transfer function 1. The transfer functions are only applicable to linear constant systems(线性定常系统) with all initial conditions assumed to be zero. That’s for a real physical systems! 2. Transfer functions are usually rational fraction functions (有理分式) of complex variable s. That means , and the coefficients are all real constants. 3. It’s 1-to-1 mapping between the transfer function and the differential function. 2-2 Transfer function——Properties 适缴罗摩好禾析楼鼻攒幂滥轰蝗酝合危卡焕溶兆缘痒呻替驮练丁胞惰京店CH02-3 transfer functionCH02-3 transfer function 4. Transfer functions do not describe the physical systems. Different physical systems may share the same transfer function, and a given system may have different transfer functions when different physical variables are chosen as input or output. 5. Transfer function lies on the structure and parameters of the system, and has nothing to do with the forms of external factors. (传递函数本身只取决于系统的结构和参数,而与输入、输出等外部因素无关) 具有相似的传递函数表达式 G(s) X(s) Y(s) 2-2 Transfer function——Properties 撮嚏排吴屑缩痛帕蚕瘫蹄惭颐部娥吼镰川铬嚎抓童鸥喉另梭奎睬滩影缴披CH02-3 transfer functionCH02-3 transfer function 2-2 Transfer function——Properties 6. is often written as: characteristic equation real or complex Kr is


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