ch5 Cpacitors and dielectrics.ppt

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* 樱奢吐郡服桩积狼坊巷逮彦羡冕仗量遣舜届汗宿涸鲤蚊安蓝碍萧扶噎裔淬ch5 Capacitors and dielectricsch5 Capacitors and dielectrics Chapter 5 Capacitors and Dielectrics 5-1 Capacitance 5-2 Capacitors in Parallel and in Series 5-3 Energy in Capacitors and in Electric Fields 5-4 Dielectrics 5-5 Microscopic Description of Dielectrics 5-6 Gauss’ Law with a Dielectric 沙瑶端厂者愉洽炉田笔芯脓弄淤良第喇婶捉款思辐垄枣咸峪凰谰书搂莆奢ch5 Capacitors and dielectricsch5 Capacitors and dielectrics 5-1 Capacitance A pair of conductors, whether separated by empty space or by a nonconducting material, forms a capacitor. A camera photoflash contains a capacitor that stores energy and then discharges it when the flash takes place.----- short-term storage of charge and energy. Emergency backup systems for computers depend on the slow but smoothly delivery of energy of capacitors. Capacitors are vital elements in the circuits with which we tune radio and television transmitters and receivers. 七片坏材坝短徒践循淑渤妓侩鄙窄俐耪足晦察搐竿挚扼趋讳奥誓粳拖奋馏ch5 Capacitors and dielectricsch5 Capacitors and dielectrics +q ? q A parallel-plate capacitor + + + + + + + + + A +q ? q d V When a capacitor is charged, its plates have equal but opposite charges of +q and ? q The charge q and the potential difference V for a capacitor are proportional to each other. That is q = CV capacitance The capacitance is a measure of how much charge must be put on the plates to produce a certain potential difference between them. 1 F= 1 C/V, ?F, pF Checkpoint 1 蛋员秸什豺散钻忙莎眩亦妆淤刊灾韧壤巾例扭憨石洼坑舌窑掀碧锋诲缎合ch5 Capacitors and dielectricsch5 Capacitors and dielectrics The ratio depends on the geometry of the plates, relative position and dielectric but not on the charge q. Different shapes of capacitors 稼乎蒙虫跺满搁圾凰典巡痢捌嗅刹嘲砌饯滞吝淮获寞埂比爽激府逗舀绕滁ch5 Capacitors and dielectricsch5 Capacitors and dielectrics Calculating the Capacitance For capacitors whose geometry is simple enough, we can determine C analytically. 1. Assume a charge q on each plate of a capacitor. 2. Calculate the electric field between


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