九年级,uit 3 topic 1 Section B.ppt

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1b Work alone Match the words with the explanations mark the following sentences T or F . Jane’s father is going to Cuba for a trip. (2) Spanish is spoken as the official language in Cuba. (3) English is nearly similar to Spanish. (4) If we only speak English, we don’t need a translator when we travel to Cuba. 1. pack one’s bag 整理行李 2. on business 出差 我上个月因公出差到北京。 I went to Beijing on business last month . 3.official n. 行政官员;公务员 adj. 官方的,法定的 as the official language 作为官方语言 3. be similar to 和……相似 be the same as 与……一样 他的教学风格和多数教师相似。 His teaching style is similar to that of most other teachers. 玛丽的铅笔和你的一样。 Mary’s pencil is the same as yours. 4. It’s possible for sb.to do sth. 对某人来说做某事是可能的。 我们可能会完成这项工作。 It’s possible for us to finish the work. 5. have trouble/ difficulty (in) doing sth. 做某事有麻烦/困难 have no trouble/ difficulty (in) doing sth. 毫不费劲做某事 他读这本书有困难。 He has difficulty ( in ) reading the book. 我们毫不费事就找到了回家的路。 We had no trouble ( in )finding our way home. 1.What is Jane’s father? He is a businessman . 2. What does he travel to many countries for ? For his company . 3.Does he have trouble understanding people from different countries ? No , he doesn’t . 4. Can you list some more countries where English is used as the first language? Yes , I can , Great Britain , America , Canada , Australia and New Zealand . 5.What does an interpreter do? He translates the language and explains the culture of the country . travel 旅行 常指长距离旅行或国外旅行。(可做动词也可做可数或不可数名词) journey 旅行 常指远距离的陆地旅行。(可数名词) trip 常指短距离的旅行,远足。 Unit 3 English Around the World Topic 1 English is widely spoken throughout the world. Section B Review the passive voice, and make sentences as many as you can. Structure: be (am, is, are) + p.p Trees are planted by people every year. Homework is done by us every day. … Practice with your partner. Example: S1: Much rubbish pollutes the river. S2: The


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