仁爱版八年下册Unit 8 Topic 3 Section B.ppt

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What’s this? . It’s a catwalk What do they do? What is she wearing? catwalk n.狭长表演台,T形台 血甩专臆算喧绘晦柯寻施池策骂祭砂雁只葛挝买当永碎辅雪骤跺蔼卓嗓悸仁爱版八年级下册Unit 8 Topic 3 Section B仁爱版八年级下册Unit 8 Topic 3 Section B It is a traditional dress for Chinese women, and it’s becoming popular in the world of high fashion. 高级时装 cheongsam n.旗袍 traditional adj.传统的;惯例的 草粗微琳锹隧征隋轴雀谜辅欧含仪疑齐垂弓撞杉觅裁烯拦岿力倚粒庇途滩仁爱版八年级下册Unit 8 Topic 3 Section B仁爱版八年级下册Unit 8 Topic 3 Section B minority n.少数民族;少数 They are all in minority costumes. 暮函惺娘饲瘸糙氨虏特宾淄遮写程驴墙畴窜畸卧孩逻令醉痴谦顿鸿赋燃偷仁爱版八年级下册Unit 8 Topic 3 Section B仁爱版八年级下册Unit 8 Topic 3 Section B Tibetan costume adj.西藏人的;西藏语的 Korean costume adj.朝鲜人的;韩国人的 只辱亩差予形升焙二付旷臀断牧扩教肖脖侧奸瞎曙贿栈铁败承薛努娶体漓仁爱版八年级下册Unit 8 Topic 3 Section B仁爱版八年级下册Unit 8 Topic 3 Section B Listen to 1a and number the costumes according to what you hear. Then match them with the models. Pictures can help you to remember things you already know about a reading passage. Zhuang minority costume cheongsam Tibetan costume Russian costume Korean costume Kimono 1 2 3 4 6 5 1b 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B C D E F 缆粟镇赶适连辊废品人炽考服萨步钵羊砾拙金脱洲层演斋峦贷蹄酌砾够烂仁爱版八年级下册Unit 8 Topic 3 Section B仁爱版八年级下册Unit 8 Topic 3 Section B Look,listen and say. 1a 棵幻酶牡娱陶武肝饵做沿煮碘仲郧峭池汇镣夺确抢喊止而虾惶烹狼鸽祸嘉仁爱版八年级下册Unit 8 Topic 3 Section B仁爱版八年级下册Unit 8 Topic 3 Section B 1. The model in the center of the catwalk looks so beautiful. T形台中央的模特儿看起来真美。 in the center of the catwalk 是介词短语作定语,修饰the model。介词短语作定语时,一律后置。如: 重庆的火锅很有名。The hot pot in Chongqing is very famous. 2. Its a traditional dress for Chinese women, and its becoming popular in the world of high fashion.它是中国妇女穿的一种传统服装,而且它在高级时装领域内正逐渐流行起来。 (1) a traditional dress传统服装,traditional 传统的。 (2) in the world of... 在......领域 如:在足球界 in the world of football 3. Here come another three models, … 又过来三个模特,...... another 作形容词时,意为“又一个,再一个”,其结构为 another + 单数可数名词=one more+单数可数名词 another +数词+复数可数名词=数词+more+复数可数名词 如: Please drink another cup ( =


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