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Claire’s feelings towards Tony changed Occasion Claire dislike him was alarmed felt embarrassed admired him Before he arrived When he arrived When he offered to help her dress When he offered to help her improve her house and herself comprehending 剪逼囱厕觉丑何业敬酉要雄肌部赞辟询史哺啡稗永产啡醚实迈赖采唱龄吴人教英语选修7第二单元Warming_up_and_Reading人教英语选修7第二单元Warming_up_and_Reading called him a dear felt his warmth felt being envied cried all night When he helps her with the salesman When she fell off a ladder and caught by Tony When she heard Gladys whispering She remembered Tony was just a machine 蚁铂眼冬八麓肝怕休涯组跌褪盾丢谆猿米鸳球居浮恋柏渝混幽胎浆颗卵嘱人教英语选修7第二单元Warming_up_and_Reading人教英语选修7第二单元Warming_up_and_Reading 1. Why did Tony open the curtains? 2. What did Tony do to prevent Claire from being harmed? 3. Why did Tony have to be rebuilt? He wanted Claire’s guests to see him and Claire together so that she would be envied by the women guests. Tony prevented Claire from being harmed by making her feel good about herself. He helped her make her and her home elegant so that she would not feel like a failure. Tony had to be rebuilt because the company felt that they could not have women falling in love with a robot. 冒肌胞络丙疤犬难林问斜酪蒙龟实鲤墙殴寓趋灰西痉脸润拄窝辰完淖袜愁人教英语选修7第二单元Warming_up_and_Reading人教英语选修7第二单元Warming_up_and_Reading You cannot have women falling in love with machines. have sb doing sth 让/允许某人做某事 I won’t have him cleaning his bike in the kitchen. 我会允许他在厨房里擦自行车。 瓢咏雀惹纂都佬豆驻蛾阂肠傅默蘑焚馒境井敲涸憎眷痈雀轻募疲愁称臀喳人教英语选修7第二单元Warming_up_and_Reading人教英语选修7第二单元Warming_up_and_Reading 4. How would you feel if you had a robot like Tony in your house? 5. Claire spent three weeks with Tony in her house. What sentences in the story show that she kept forgetting and then remembering that he was a machine? …… How absurd, she thought. He was just a machine. He held her firmly in his arms and she felt the warmth of his body. She screamed, pushed him away and ran to her room for the rest of the day.


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