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基础梳理Ⅰ.单词荟萃1._________ v. 使……处于险境,危及→danger n. 危险→ _________adj. 危险的2. ______ n. 保护区,保护圈 v. 预定,预留→reservation n. 预定,预约3. protect v.保护→ __________ n. 保护,防卫4.lay vt. 产卵,下蛋→ ________ (过去式、过去分词) 5. wonder n.奇迹→ __________ adj. 精彩的,令人赞叹的→ ___________ adv. 非常地,异乎寻常地6.initial n. 首字母adj.最初的,开始的→ _______ adv.开始,最初,起初7.energy n. 能源,能量→ _________ adj.精力充沛的,充满活力的Ⅱ.短语检测1. 由……制成   2. 把……制成 3.一次;每次 4.当场 5.成为时尚 6.积极参加 7.对……强硬/严厉起来 8.为……担心,担忧 9.照看;密切注视 10.攻击;适用于;努力争取 11.(动物)以……为食 12.代表,象征 13.建立,创立,开办 be made from/of be made into at a time on the spot come into fashion take an active part in get tough with… be concerned about sth. keep an eye on go for feed on stand for set up Ⅲ.佳句再现1. __________ scientists’ hard work, the number of the pandas living in the wild ______________ about 1,590. 在科学家的努力下,野生大熊猫的数量已增加到了1,590只。 2.Often ______________ , the poachers shoot whole herds of antelopes __________, ______ only the babies, _____________________________ . 那些偷猎者常常是夜里出动,一次就捕杀掉整群的藏羚羊,只留下那些毛不怎么值钱的幼崽。3._________________ , the poachers________________ —there were more of them. 尽管偷猎者们很吃惊,但他们占有优势——他们人多。4.But today the government ___________________________ . 而如今,政府似乎正在赢得这场战斗。5.The WWF believes that our world has a future __________ ________________________________________.世界自然保护基金组织相信只有人们学会保护自然,不浪费能源,我们的世界才有未来。Ⅳ.单元语法Review of attributive clauses 单词点睛1 reserve vt. (to order)预定,预约(座位,房间等);(to put aside or keep sth. for a later occasion or special use)保留,储备 n. 保护区;储备,储藏(1)reservation n.预定,预约make a reservation预约,预定(2)reserve sth. for sb./sth.为……预定/保留……a wildlife reserve野生动物保护区in reserve储备,备用【活学活用】(1)I’d like to _____________ for two. 我想订一个两人的桌。(2)A separate room _____________ smokers. 有一个单独的房间留给吸烟者用。2 struggle n. 打斗;奋斗;挣扎,斗争 v.斗争;(to try extremely hard to achieve sth., even though it is very difficult)奋斗;挣扎;(to move somewhere with great difficulty,to make one’s way toward)艰难地行进(1)struggle against/with sb.与某人争斗/作斗争struggle for… 为……而斗争/奋斗struggle to do sth.挣扎着/努力地做某事struggle to one’s feet挣扎着站起来(


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