Debate 辩论.pptx

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Vocabulary for debate正方 pro side反方 con side正方一辩 the first debater of pro side 反方二辩 the second debater of con side计时员 timekeeper一辩:first debater 二辩:second debater 对方辩友: my fellow debaters The procedure for debate1. The first debater of pro side states their point of view. (within 2 minutes)2. The first debater of con side states their point of view. (within 2 minutes)?3. The second debater of con side asks each of the second debater and the third debater of pro side a question. The two debaters of pro side should answer the question individually. While the fourth debater of pro side can give supplement to each of them after their answering. The second debater of con side provides his conclusion.4. The second debater of pro side asks each of the second debater and the third debater of con side a question. The two debaters of con side should answer the question individually. While the fourth debater of con side can give supplement to each of them after their answering. The second debater of pro side provides his conclusion.5. Free debating should be performed by four debaters of both sides. Pro side should be the first. (4minutes for each side)6. The fourth debater of con side draws a conclusion. (within 3minutes)7. The fourth debater of pro side draws a conclusion. (within 3minutes)Arrangement for students1 judge8 debaters (4 for pro side, 4 for con side)2 timekeepers (1 for pro side, 1 for con side)The rest of the students are the audience. (The audience have the right to vote the winner, and propose one best debater.)Comment structure for audience1. Thanks to the debaters. / It’s a wonderful debate.2. I’m so glad to show my comment on this debate. / It’s my honor to share my feeling with you. 3. I should give my vote to pro side. My reason is …… / The debaters of pro side did a very good job. Their English pronunciation is really admirable. However, the voice from my heart told me that con side should win. Because they have a clear logic, and ……4. In my opinion


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