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更多电子资料请登录赛微电子网 基于改进l1范数最小化组合算法的欠定盲源分离 付 宁 彭喜元 (哈尔滨工业大学自动化测试与控制系, 哈尔滨 150080) 摘 要: 基于稀疏假设, 欠定盲源分离问题一般可采用线性规划、最短路径法和组合算法等l1范数最小化方法进行求解, 但是这些传统方法对源信号的稀疏性要求较高, 从而限制了源信号的估计精度。为此, 本文提出了一种改进的l1范数最小化组合算法. 该算法根据一定阈值找到与最小l1范数解最接近的若干次优解, 将这些次优解和最小l1范数解进行加权叠加, 并替代最小l1范数解, 作为源信号的估计。采用语音信号的仿真实验表明, 对于观测信号个数不太小的高维混合情况, 该算法的源信号估计精度能够比传统的l1范数最小化组合算法提高10%左右。 关键词: 欠定盲源分离;稀疏信号; l1范数最小化;线性规划 中图分类号: TN911   文献标识码: A   国家标准学科分类代码: 510.40 Underdetermined blind source separation based on improved combinatorial algorithm for l1-norm minimization Fu Ning Peng Xiyuan (Dept. of Automatic Test and Control, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150080, China) Abstract: Under the sparse assumption, the problem of underdetermined blind source separation can be solved by l1-norm minimization algorithms such as the linear programming, the shortest-path algorithm, the combinatorial algorithm and so on. But these conventional algorithms rely on the high sparseness of the sources, so the recovery accuracy of the sources is not high enough. To overcome this disadvantage, an improved combinatorial algorithm for l1-norm minimization is proposed in this paper. First, the algorithm searches the second best solutions which are close to the minimum l1-norm solution according to a threshold, and then the weighted sum of these second best solutions and the minimum l1-norm solution is taken as the estimation of the sources. The experiments of sound sources show that the recovery accuracy of the sources can be increased by about 10% when the number of mixtures is not too small. Keywords: underdetermined blind source separation; sparse signals; l1-norm minimization; linear programming 1 引 言 近年来, 观测信号个数少于源信号个数的欠定盲源分离(underdetermined blind source separation, UBSS), 已成为盲源分离(blind source separation, BSS)领域的研究热点[1-7]。 考虑BSS的基本瞬时线性混合模型, (1) 式中: s(t) = [s1(t), s2(t),, sN(t)]T表示N维源信号向量, x(t) = [x1(t), x2(t),, xM(t)]T表示M维观测信号向量, A表示M×N维的混合矩阵, ai是A的列向量, t是离散时刻, T是观测信号点数。BSS的命题就是, 对任何t, 根据已知的x(t), 在A未知的条件下求未知的s(t


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