THE STORY OF US字幕(美国:我们的故事第5集-- 内战).doc

 THE STORY OF US字幕(美国:我们的故事第5集-- 内战).doc

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[00:00.00] 本字幕由 YYeTs人人影视 原创翻译制作 仅供学习 禁止用于任何商业盈利行为 更多影视更新 请登陆 www.YYeT [00:03.00] [00:00.00]■ [00:03.00] [00:03.90]南北之战 The North against the South. [00:06.10] [00:08.36]手足相残 Brother against brother. [00:09.36] [00:13.09]内战是美国历史上最血腥的篇章 The Civil War is the bloodiest in American history. [00:16.90] [00:17.74]胜利不仅仅取决于战场上的血拼肉搏 Victory will take far more than brute firepower on the battlefield. [00:22.25] [00:24.69]技术 通讯 后勤 Technology, communications, logistics. [00:31.87] [00:31.88]正是这些火线背后的较量 Its what happens behind the front lines [00:34.75]最终决定了这场关乎美国未来的战事 that will ultimately decides this battle for Americas future. [00:40.31] [00:43.90]我们是前锋 也是先驱 We are pioneers...and trailblazers. [00:48.71] [00:48.72]我们为自由而战 We fight for freedom. [00:52.19] [00:52.23]我们将梦想付诸现实 We transform our dreams into the truth. [00:55.22]我们的奋斗将换来一个国家的新生 Our struggles will become a nation. [00:59.22] [00:59.87] 美国: 我们的故事 [01:03.19] [01:07.08] 第五集 内战 [01:10.62] [01:12.44]1862年 内战进入高潮 1862, the Civil War is at its height. [01:16.25]南北双方 North and South, [01:17.55]陷入了一场关乎美国未来的苦战 locked in a bitter conflict for the future of America. [01:20.92] [01:22.51]一种新式子弹 A new kind of bullet [01:23.63]将这场战争带入了可怕的僵局 has brought this war to a terrible deadlock, [01:26.70] [01:30.13]造成了始料未及的大规模人员伤亡 bringing death on a scale never previously seen in warfare. [01:34.71] 翻译:安小七 爱卿 Jose ww艾 取子小Q [01:38.72] 校对:安小七 精校:小坏 时间轴:Sissi [01:42.73] 后期:鱼骨头 总监:小坏 [01:46.74]伊利诺伊州 斯普林菲尔德的一家冶金铺里 Here at a metal works in Springfield, Illinois, [01:49.56] [01:49.67]熔铅踏上了历史舞台 molten lead is beginning its journey, [01:52.41] [01:55.12]成为了一种致命的破坏性原料 becoming a lethal instrument of destruction. [01:58.49] [01:58.79]熔铅所铸的子弹被称为迷你弹 The bullet known as the minie ball. [02:01.79] [02:03.33]这一小块未加工的铅就是 This crude piece of lead is the primary reason [02:07.28]造成前所未有的伤亡的罪魁祸首 for the unprecedented levels of slaughter in this war. [02:10.71] [02:12.80]迷你弹发明于法国 重一盎司 直径半英寸 Invented in France. Its an ounce in weight and


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