九年级英语6单元An accidental invention.ppt

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Scanning Task 1 What Who When Where How Tea A Chinese ruler called Shen Nong 5,000 years ago In China …was boiling drinking water over an open fire .some leaves from a tea plant … and remained there for some time... It produced a nice smell so he tasted ... Read the first paragraph and fill in the chart . .about______years ago The discovery of tea Shen Nong Paragraph 1 .some leaves__________the water .one of the world’s________ drinks .remained there for___________ ._________a nice smell . Shen Nong_________ water .______ the brown water .______ delicious 4. Why do people like tea so much? It’s good for health and business. Para3: How tea spreads to other countries During the 6th and 7th centuries Around 1660 In less than 100 years In the 19th century …was brought to… …had become… …appeared… …took place… time events This refers to the tea trade. Tea didn’t appear until around 1660 in England. What’s the result ? What are the effects (功效)of tea? Make you more beautiful Keep cancer from you Help you lose weight Make your mind clear …….. Para3: How tea spreads to other countries During the 6th and 7th centuries Around 1660 In less than 100 years In the 19th century …was brought to… …had become… …appeared… …took place… time events This refers to the tea trade. Tea didn’t appear until around 1660 in England. What’s the result ? 1. What does the writer think of tea (the status of tea 茶的地位)? Tea is the most popular drink in the world. 2. Who knows the tea culture best? The Chinese are without doubt the ones who best understand the nature of tea. Chinese people When is the best time to drink tea in a day ? 夏喝绿,冬喝红,一年四季喝乌龙。 It’s best to drink tea an hour after eating. Different seasons ,different tea Scanning(寻读): Read Paragraph 2 and answer the two questions. Who is called “the saint of tea”? Lu Yu. The book describes how tea plants were grown and used to make tea. It also discusses where the finest tea leaves were produced and wha


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