ts16949问卷调查表 (最新).doc

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ISO/TS 16949:2009 汽车行业质量管理体系标准认证问卷调查表 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS CERTIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE Please complete this questionnaire in detail and attach any relevant supporting information describing your company’s scope of operation, e.g. company brochures and organization chart. On receipt of the completed questionnaire, we will submit you a proposal detailing assessment costs and time scales. 请填写本调查表,并附上贵公司经营范围有关资料,如产品简介和组织结构图。我们收到资料后,会为贵公司准备审核费用及时间安排计划书。 SECTION A: Applicant Information 申请人资料 Company Name 公司名称 (English 英文) Guang Dong East Asia Electrical Equipment Co,.Ltd (Chinese 中文) 广东东亚电器有限公司 Address 地址 (English 英文) NO,8,Ke Yuan Second Roak,High Technology Develope Zone(Ronggui),Shunde Zone,Foshan City (Chinese 中文) 广东省佛山市顺德区高新技术产业开发区(容桂)科苑二路8号 Billing Address付款通知地址 (If different from the above 如与上相同,不填写) English (英文) Chinese (中文) Tel. No. 电话 0757-Fax No. 传真 0757 Web site网址 e-mail 电邮 Iso@ Management Representative (or Contact Person ) 管理者代表或联络人姓名 English (英文) Liu Sheng Chinese (中文) 刘胜 Managing Director 总经理 English (英文) Tan Jian MIng Chinese (中文) 谈建明 Marketing Manager 销售经理 English (英文) Lian Yue Qiang Chinese (中文) 练月强 Please submit 请提供: Certificate of Business Registration 营业执照(复印件) Organization chart with no. of employee breakdown 组织架构图 Process Flow Chart 工艺过程流程图 SECTION B: Certification Information 认证资料 1) Has contact been made with SGS personnel previously? 阁下是否曾与SGS同事接洽? Yes是 / NO 否 If yes, please state the name of person contacted and the date of meeting /conversation / training course. 如有,请写出所联络人的姓名,见面/会谈日期或所参与其培训课程的名称。 2) If your company has already registered with SGS, please indicate your certificate number. 若贵公司已经通过SGS的认证,请列明已有证书的编号 : 3) Please describe the products which it is intended to include within the scope of registration. 请描述认证所包括的产品范围。 IMPORTANT: The information provided will be used to define your Companys scope of registration and will appear on your Certificate. (重要提示:以下资


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