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摘要 信息技术的飞速发展猛烈地冲击着房地产行业,市场竞争日趋激烈。在国内房地产行业开始将注意力集中到CRM上的时候,中海地产为了保持与进一步提高核心竞争力,于2002年初走出了实质性的一步,正式开始了CRM系统的实施工作。本论文根据目前中海地产施CRM两年时间内所获得的经验和遇到的问题,结合CRM的基本理念、目的、内容、功能及发展方向,针对房地产开发这一特殊第二产业的特点,总结出中海地产实施CRM的经验教训,并指出解决中海地产CRM系统应用中存在问题的方案,希望能为中海地产以及我国更多的房地产企业实施CRM系统提供一些借鉴。 本文首先简要介绍了CRM的基本概念,分析了“以客户为中心”的理念是实施CRM的思想基础,简要介绍了典型CRM的系统结构和CRM的操作,并分析了操作层次CRM和分析层次CRM的相关内容。其次,本文论述了中海地产CRM应用的目的和中海地产实施CRM所处的内、外部环境,在详细分析了目前中海地产CRM系统应用状况的基础上,并总结了中海地产在实施CRM过程中出现的管理方面和应用系统方面的问题,并分析了出现这些问题的原因。再次,本文探讨了解决应用系统方面和管理方面问题的具体措施,其中重点阐述了应尽快建立具有数据挖掘功能的分析型CRM。最后,本论文提出了中海地产实施CRM的远景规划。 关键词:房地产;客户关系管理;分析型客户关系管理 Abstract Because the rapidly development in information technology has great impact on real estate industry, the market competition become fiercer. In order to increase his core-competition, China overseas estate (COE) began to implement CRM in 2002, while the other real estate enterprises begun to put more and more attention to CRM. This paper summarized COEs experiences and lessons in the course of application CRM and discussed the orient of COEs CRM.I hope that this paper is able to give some available suggestions to COE and other real estate corporations. Firstly, the paper introduces the basic concept and the main content of CRM briefly, including the aim of CRM and the basic marketing theories of CRM system,and definites the spiritual base of CRM“client to be first. Secondly, it discusses the external and internal environment and the aim of the COEs CRM application. Thirdly, the paper inform the temporary conditions of COEs CRM system and the troubles in the course of application COEs CRM,both in the aspect of management and software system. Fourthly, it discusses the measures of resolving the problems in the course of application CRM .At last, the paper give COEs CRM perspective Scheme. Key word: Real Estate, Management, Analytical, Customer Relationship Management 目录 一.客户关系管理理论综述 1 (二)客户关系管理的理念 1


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