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图片作文---框架 第一段: 紧扣漫画主题,描述图片 第二段: 由图画到生活:分析图画中暗含的社会现象 第三段: 个人见解(一般视具体的试题而定) 有的要求给出自己的看法及理由 有的要求提出自己的建议及针对现象应该采取的措施 图片作文---词汇 描述图画的形容词: thought-provoking 发人深省的 enlightening 有启迪作用、使人感悟的 striking引人注目的 profound / far-reaching implications含义深刻的 instructive有教育意义的 ridiculous荒谬可笑的 impressive给人印象深刻的 (搭配副词:extremely; highly; most; particularly) 图片作文---常见主体 年轻人: the young; teenagers; youngsters; dolescent 大学生: college/university students 老人: the old; senior citizens 老百姓: people from all walks of life ordianry people the general public 图片作文---第一段模式1 As is vividly depicted in the cartoon above, 描述1. What impreses me most is that 描述2. Simple as the image is, the implications mirrored are apparently far-reaching. 图片作文---第一段模式2 The cartoon subtly depicts a thought-provoking scenario (场景) in which 描述1. Further examination reveals that 描述2.However, a quickly glance at ..... reveals ironically that ... 图片作文---第一段模式3 As is vividly depicted in the picture, 描述1. The most striking feature is 描述2. There is no doubt that its symbolic meaning subtly conveyed should be given deep consideration. 图片作文---过渡句型 1. It seems very ridiculous that ... However, this kind of story is performed everywhere. 2. The picture mirrors a common phenomenon, which has aroused our social concern and is in fact thought-provoking. 3. What the picture wants to stress is that some people in society are ... 4. There is no denying that the picture shows a real phenomenon in society. 5. This picture is thought-provoking and what it reflects is an increasing phenomenon in our society,one that should be given serious thought to. 图片作文---过渡句型 6. This has become a common phenomenon in our country, which we should give serious thoughts to. 图片作文---图片描述例1 As is illustraed in the picture, a couple sleeps on the same bed but they seem to be rather isolated from each other. Their oral communication has been replaced by online chatting. This picture reveals the in-depth problem of modern peoples alienation (


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