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非谓语动词做宾语补足语 What is object complement? 1. Don’t make me do this. 2. The teacher told us to read books. 3. I saw her dancing. 4. The manager wanted the letter typed. 2 Object complements: * 作宾语补足语 人/物1 动作1 动作2 人/物2 主语 谓语 宾语 补语 发出 发出 作用在 宾语补足语 1. Don’t make me do this. 2. The teacher told us to read books. 3. I saw her dancing. 4. The manager wanted the letter typed. 2 Object complements: 1 2 3 to do 做宾补 V-ing 做宾补 V-ed 做宾补 Contents 3 常见的接带to的不定式做宾补的动词: tell, ask, want, teach, allow, expect, get, demand, request, invite, love, hate, like, prefer, would like等 1 2 3 My mother often tells me to study hard at school. MR. Feng asked us to do housework at home. I want you to teach me how to learn English well. 4 常见的接不带to的不定式做宾补的动词: 一感:feel?????????????二听:hear,?listen?to????三让:let,?make,?have??????? 四看:see,?watch,?notice,?observe?????半帮助:??help?sb.?to?do?/?do?sth.? 某人做某事的全过程或某事发生的全过程,强调事物的发生和结束。 1 2 3 Did?you?hear?me?sing?a?song?last?night? He?saw?a?girl?get?on?the?bus. Please?let?me?help?you(to)clean?the?window. 4 Oh,?please?don’t?make?the?baby?cry?again. 5 V-ing形式作宾补 感觉动词:see, hear, watch, observe, notice, feel, catch, look at, listen to 等。 使役动词:have, get, leave, keep, start, send, set等。 V-ing形式作宾补,表示动作的过程,即动作正在进行,尚未结束。宾语与宾补之间是主动的逻辑主谓关系。 1 Don’t make any noise! Don’t you see the child sleeping? 2 ?I?hear?someone?knocking?at?the?door. 3 I’m?sorry?to?keep?you?waiting?for?a?long?time. 6 V-ed形式作宾补 表示感觉和心理状态的动词:see, hear, find, notice, feel, watch, like, think等。 “致使”意义的使役动词:have, get, leave, keep等 1 2 3 着重动作完成,表明动作的结果,它与宾语之间是被动的逻辑主谓关系. He?saw?the?thief?caught?by?the?police.? She?was?glad?to?see?her?child?taken?good?care?of. I’m?going?to?have?my?hair?cut.? 6 Practice A doctor found lots of patients waiting for him in the waiting room. Now it was Billy’s turn. “What’s your trouble, boy?” asked the doctor. Before Billy could answer a word, the doctor made him lie down on a bed. “Now, let me listen to your he


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