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钟表中英文对照术语表,希望对各位表迷有所帮助??10J - 10天动力储备Abbreviation for??10 days power reserve??in the Patek Philippe typology.在百达翡丽而言是“10 days power reserve - 10天动力储备”的缩写。24H - 24小时表盘Abbreviation for 24-hour dial, in the Patek Philippe typology.在百达翡丽而言是“24-hour dial - 24 小时表盘”的缩写。Amplitude - 摆幅Measurement in degrees of the movement of a balance and spring assembly: amplitude is the angle between the position of equilibrium and its maximum elongation.测量摆轮游丝装置的摆动角度:摆幅即是游丝装置的平衡位置与最大距角之间的角度。Analogue - 指针式时间显示Refers to time display using hands.指采用指针来显示时间。Aperture - 视窗、孔径Dial opening revealing the indications provided on discs rotating under the dial.表盘上的开孔,可看见表盘下的转盘的显示信息。Applique - 镶刻Raised numeral or hour-marker, applied to or riveted to the dial. At Patek Philippe, appliques are always in gold and are sometimes diamond-set.固定在表盘上的凸起数字或时间刻度。百达翡丽钟表的镶刻通常用金打造,有时亦会镶嵌钻石。Appropriage - 抛磨修整An activity carried out by the Grand Complications workshop. The watchmakers themselves perform certain finishing operations such as polishing steel parts or chamfering bridges.顶级复杂功能(Grand Complications)作坊从事的一项工作。制表师亲自进行一些修正操作,如磨光钢部件和斜切桥板等。Aquanaut - Aquanaut系列A collection inspired by the Nautilus, created in 1996. It is distinguished by the complexity of its case shape, equipped with a screw-down crown, framing a superbly finished black textured dial. Aquanaut watches are available in three sizes (small, medium and large) and in two versions (gold and steel), on a Tropical composite strap or metal bracelet.始创于1996年的腕表系列,灵感来自Nautilus系列。Aquanaut系列表以综合的表壳形状、旋入式表冠,精雕细琢的黑色纹理表盘为特色。该系列腕表分为大、中、小三种尺寸,并有金和不锈钢两种材质,表带则有“Tropical”合成带和金属链。Arabic - 阿拉伯数字Usual way of showing the numerals. Arabic numerals: As opposed to Roman numerals: I, II,III...显示数字的常用方式,阿拉伯数字有1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、0,分别对应罗马数字I、II、III……Arm - 臂杆Elongated part linking certain parts of a mechanism within a movement (such as the arm of a wheel, for example). 连接机芯某些装置的狭长部件(如齿轮的臂杆等)。Art Deco - 装饰艺术An artistic movement stemming from the Decorat


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