人教版九年级上册Unit 4重点短语.pptx

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Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark短语1.used to do sth 过去常常做某事 2.from time to time 时常3.get good scores 取得好成绩 4.deal with 应付5.dare to do sth敢于做某事6.in front of 在…前面7.give up 放弃8.be interested in 对…感兴趣9.be proud of为…骄傲10.in person 亲身11.make a decision to do sth 决定做某事 12.in public 公开地13to one’s surprise令某人惊讶的是14change one’s life 改变某人的生活 15.have a / an…influence on / upon sb.对某人有…的影响16.be used to doing sth习惯于做某事 17.be helpful to 对…有帮助18.in private 私下 19.private car私家车20.private school 私立学校 21.require doing sth 某事需要被做 22.require sb to do sth要求某人做某事23.have an influence on 对…有影响 24.be absent from 缺席…25.in person亲自,亲身26.in tears 流着泪27.in fact 实际上28.in danger在危险中29.in trouble 在麻烦中 30.in debt 欠债 31.in details 详细地32.to one’s surprise令某人惊奇的是33.be surprised at…对…感到惊讶 34.introduce A to B 将A介绍给B35.introduce oneself 作自我介绍词的用法1.used to在变否定句或疑问句时要借助于助动词did。具体形式如下:肯定句 主语+used to + 动词原形…否定句 主语+didn’t use to +动词原形…一般疑问句 Did+ 主语+ use to +动词原形…? 肯定回答 Yes,主语+did. 否定回答 No,主语+didn’t.Bob used to play soccer.鲍勃以前经常踢足球。Bob didn’t use to play soccer.鲍勃以前不常踢足球。Did Bob use to play soccer ? 鲍勃以前经常踢足球吗?Yes,he did.是的,他经常踢。No, he didn’t.不,他不常踢。2.used to , be used to词条 含义 用法used to 过去常常 后跟动词原形,表示“过去常常做某事”。be used to 习惯于 后跟名词、代词或动名词,表示“习惯于做某事”,同get used to doing和become used to doing。He used to ride a bike to go to school.以前他经常骑自行车去上学。We are used to living in the countryside.我们已经习惯住在农村了。3.silent的派生词有:词条 范例silently adv.沉默地 He was sitting silently in the dark.他沉默地坐在黑暗中。silence n.沉默 They hugged each other in silence for a long time.他们默默地拥抱了很长时间。4.常见time短语have a good time 玩得开心 what time 几时 on time 按时 in time及时at no time 决不 at times 不时 at any time 随时 at one time 曾经 at a time 一次5.do with也可以表示“应付,对付”,但do with通常和what搭配,deal with通常和how搭配。Do you know how to deal with this problem ?你知道怎样应对这个问题吗 ?I showed her what to do with the rubbish. 我告诉她怎样处理垃圾。6.频度副词的用法频度副词 含义 用法always 总是;一直 表示动作或状态从未中断过。usually 通常 很少有例外情况发生often 经常 表示的频度不如usually那么频繁sometimes 有时 表示动作偶尔发生。位置比较灵活,可以位于句首,也可以位于句中或句尾hardly 几乎不 和seldo


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