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Diencephalon 间 脑 Position Position: Lies between midbrian and cerebrum, almost entirely surrounded by cerebral hemisphere Subdivision Dorsal thalamus 背侧丘脑 Metathalamus 后丘脑 Epithalamus 上丘脑 Subthalamus 底丘脑 Hypothalamus 下丘脑 Dorsal thalamus 背侧丘脑 External features A large egg-shaped nucleus mass, Anterior end called anterior thalamic tubercle (丘脑前结节) Posterior end called pulvinar(丘脑枕) Right and left portion of thalamus are joined by interthalamic adhesion (丘脑间粘合) Floor-hypothalamic sulcus(下丘脑沟) Classification of nuclei of dorsal thalamus Three nuclear group-divided by internal medullary lamina (内髓板) Anterior nuclear group 前核群 Medial nuclear group 内侧核群 Lateral nuclear group 外侧核群 Functional subdivision Nonspecific relay nuclei非特异性投射核团(古丘脑)-receive afferents from rhinencephalon and reticular formation of brain stem, project mainly to hypothalamus and corpus striatum Midline nucleus group中线核(第3脑室侧壁内) Intralaminar nuclear group板内核 Thalamic reticular nucleus网状核(丘脑与内囊间) Association nuclei 联络核团(新丘脑)-receive extensive afferents and in turn project widely to the association areas of cerebral cortex Anterior nuclear group前核群 Medial nuclear group内侧核群 Dorsal tier of lateral nuclear group外侧核群背层 Special relay nuclei 特异性中继核团(旧丘脑) Vent. anterior nucleus (VA) 腹前核 Vent. intermediate nucleus (VI) 腹中间核 Receiving dentate nucleus, globus pallidus and substantia nigra to motor cortex Vent. posteromedial nucleus (VPM) 腹后内侧核- receives trigeminal lemniscus and teste fibers Vent. posterolateral nucleus (VPL) 腹后外侧核- receives medial lemniscus and spinal lemniscus Projects to first somatic sensory area via central thalamic radiation Metathalamus 后丘脑 Metathalamus 后丘脑 Medial geniculate body (MGN) 内侧膝状体 Relay station of audition Receive fibers from inferior colliculus Projects to auditory area via acoustic radiation 听辐射 Lateral geniculate body (LGN)外侧膝状体 Relay station of vision R


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