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The Romantic Period (1798-1832) The Meaning of Romanticism Romanticism is a movement prevailing the 19th century in Western World in literature, art, music and philosophy beginning as a reaction and protest against the bondage of rules and customs of neo-classicism. Romantic Art 约瑟夫·玛罗德·威廉·特纳 Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775年4月23日-1851年12月19日) 是英国浪漫主义风景画家,水彩画家和版画家,他的作品为后来的印象派绘画发展奠定了基础。Turner不仅是油画大师,也是英国水彩画家中相当出色的一位,被誉为“画光线的画家” (the painter of light). Romantic music 真正揭开浪漫主义音乐序幕的应首推舒伯特。 一、浪漫主义音乐的第一个特点:善于表现个人的感情和幻想,尤其强调个人主义的体验、内心最强烈情感的爱情主题;倾心于带自传性的,不满现状的忧郁,孤独者的精神。在描绘自然景色及现实形象时,也更强调主观色彩的印记。 二、浪漫主义音乐的另一个特点:是对本民族历史文化及民间音乐的强烈兴趣。这反映了 19 世纪欧洲民族意识的觉醒。在音乐创作的题材方面,盛行采用民间歌谣及民间故事为主题。肖邦是 19 世纪中叶民族乐派的先驱。 浪漫主义音乐的出现,使音乐走出宫廷、走向民间。很多音乐大师的传世佳作至今久演不衰,充分显示了浪漫主义音乐极强的生命力。 The Romantic Movement in literature 1798, Lyrical Ballads The representatives The first generation of Romantics W. Wordsworth, S. T. Coleridge, R. Southey. “Lake Poets” The second generation of Romantics G. G. Byron, P. B. Shelley, J. Keats. Lake Poets For a time in close association in the mountainous Lake District in the northwest of England. Their community of literary and social outlook. The same path in politics and in poetry. The Qualities of Romanticism 1. The spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings 2. The creation of a world of imagination 3. The return to nature for material— “nature poetry” 4. Sympathy with the humble and glorification of the commonplace 5. Emphasis upon the expression of individual genius 6. A sense of melancholy and loneliness 7. The rebellious spirit The Nature of Romantic Movement 1. The negative attitude toward the existing social and political conditions 2. The emphasis of the special qualities of each individual’s mind 3. A strong reaction against the dominant modes of thinking of the early 18th-century writers and philosophers 4. An expression of the unique feelings and particular attitudes in literature The Influence of the Romanticism Movement on English Literature (1) Engli


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