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* * * * * * * * * 1 3 4 C I 25 2 3 C-E E-C Practices 3.3 Application of Resistancy in C-E and E-C Translations 3.3 Utopian Community Source Language Target Language 1 3 4 C I 26 2 3 C-E E-C Practices 3.3 Application of Resistancy in C-E and E-C Translations 3.3 where the hierarchies that rank the values in the domestic culture are disarranged to set going processes of defamiliariztion, cannon reformation, ideological critique, and institutional change. ----Venuti, The Translation Studies Reader 1 3 4 C I 27 2 3 C-E E-C Practices 3.3 Application of Resistancy in C-E and E-C Translations 3.3 Seeing these things have not brought thee to repentance, now thou shalt die. ----Defoe, Robison Crusoe 【译】1:既然所发生的一切事情都不能使你忏悔,现在就要你的命。 ----Trans. by 郭建中 【译】2 :所见诸事,尔皆不悔,死期将至矣。 ----Trans. by Fessor 1 3 4 C I 28 2 3 C-E E-C Practices 3.3 Application of Resistancy in C-E and E-C Translations 3.3 “Girls in love ain’t no use in the whole blessed week,” …… An’ Sunday they begin it all over agin.” 【译】“姑娘们若是迷了情,个把礼拜都指不上她们了。”她继续道,“周天儿打远儿瞅着马路,盼着那个谁来。下午他在了,她们就没别的心思。周一早上就没醒过,迷迷瞪瞪的,周二、周三嘛儿都干不了。到了周四心里就长了草,寻思着礼拜天快来,整天打飘儿,恁地让洗碗水在鼻尖底下凉掉。周五就要打碎碟子,闷在屋子里一把鼻涕一把泪,眼巴巴的把着窗棱子看。周六,好嘛,那个忙啊,舞马张枪的,理云鬓贴花黄。周日,她们又要从头捣鼓一遍。” ----Trans. by Fessor 1 4 C I 29 2 Summary Translation promotes the development of MC. The symptomatic reading exposes the hidden domesticated ideology. The application of resistancy in poetry and novel texts testifies theory’s feasibility. 3 C-E E-C Practices 3 1 2 3 4 C 4.2 Ethics of Location under the Rise of IT Limitations In C-E and E-C Translations 4.1 I 30 4 Rethinking Limitations 1 3 C I 31 2 4.1 Limitations In C-E and E-C Translations 4.1 4.2 4 Rethinking Limitations Ignorance of Non Indian-European Corpus Language families: “her beat he” Distance leads to invalidity A Paradox in Reversed Culture Contexts Language promoter or language buster 4 1 3 C I 32 2 4.2 Ethics of Location under the Rise of Information Technology 4.1 4.2 4 Rethinking Limitations 4 lan


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