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皮贴雌激素在不孕症治疗中的应用   摘 要 目的:探讨皮贴雌激素在不孕症治疗中的应用。方法:入选诊断为不孕症需用外源性雌激素的患者,排除外输卵管等其他因素所致不孕症及不适合用药的疾病。应用皮贴雌激素进行治疗,观察用药前后宫颈黏液Insler评分及子宫内膜厚度的变化,并对应用CC/HMG患者加快卵泡发育的影响,用阴超监测子宫内膜厚度和卵泡大小,测定体内雌激素水平的变化,以及受孕情况。结果:应用皮贴雌激素3~4 h即可达到有效的血浆浓度并保持在这个水平达7 d之久,改善宫颈黏液性状、量增加变稀薄,拉丝度增加,子宫内膜增厚,促进卵泡发育成熟,妊娠率增加。结论:皮贴雌激素可改善宫颈黏液的性状,促进子宫内膜的生长,促进卵泡的发育并增加妊娠率,提示其可应用于生殖医学尤其是不孕症的治疗中。   关键词 松奇 皮贴雌激素 不孕症 妊娠率   中图分类号:R977.12; R711.6 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1006-1533(2013)09-0029-04   Application of Fem-7 patch in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility   ZHANG Ronghuan1, ZHANG Linghao2, SONG Jianhong3, SUN Dawen4, GU Yicun5   (1.Shanghai Tianlun Hospital, Shanghai 200434, China; 2. Shanghai Changzheng Hospital, Shanghai 200003, China;   3. Shanghai Yangpu Area Center Hospital, Shanghai 200090 ,China; 4. Shanghai Luwan Area Center Hospital ,   Shanghai 200020, China; 5. Shanghai Huangpu Area Center Hospital, Shanghai 200002, China)   ABSTRACT Objective: to investigate the improvement and adjustment of conception factor of barrenness patients who have applied Fem 7 estradiol patch, and to promote the clinical observation of conception effect. Methods: Eight hundred and ninety eight cases who are diagnosed as barrenness and need exogenous estrogen are selected. The patients, for whom other incompetent diseases are excluded, accept therapy as request. The changes of cervical mucus (CM), endometria and the effect of HMG on follicular development before and after medication are observed. The endometria thickness, egg follicle size, the changes of estrogen level and ultimate conception are detected. Results: The effective plasma concentration can be reached within 3~4 hours after application of Fem 7 patch and retained for 7days. Conclusion: The application of Fem 7 patch in the barrenness of generation medicine can improve the quality of cervical mucus, promote the growth of endometria, accelerate follicular development and increase pregnancy rate .   KEY WORDS Fem-7; estradiol patch; infertility; pregnancy rate


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