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华南农业大学珠江学院 毕业论文(设计) 浅析国际收支双顺差对我国对外贸易的影响 罗敏琪 指导教师: 肖艾平 讲师 系: 经济管理系 年级专业:2012级国际经济与贸易(国际金融) 提交日期: 2015年5月9日 答辩日期: 2015年5月14日 答辩委员会主席(签名): 评阅人(签名): 2015年 5 月 25 日 摘要 国际收支是一种统计报表,是一个国家用于衡量对外经济往来最完整的记录之一,也是衡量其外部均衡的重要尺度,它系统地记录了在一定时期内经济主体与世界其他地方的交易。自改革开放,我国货物贸易差额经历了由贸易逆差转变成为贸易顺差的一个过程。20世纪90年代以来,在这个过程中,我国已出现连续20多年(除个别年份以外)的国际收支双顺差的现象。面对这种趋势,本文首先运用数据分析法和对比分析法对我国国际收支双顺差的状况进行分析,继而对造成我国收支双顺差的国际成因和国内成因进行分析,通过文献研究法来探究我国因收支双顺差而产生的积极影响和消极影响,对我国应对收支双顺差的消极影响提出相应的策略,主要是从一些政策上提出建议,以此促进我国尽快实现国际收支均衡,以更好地促进我国对外贸易的发展。 关键词:国际收支;双顺差;对外贸易;影响;政策 Abstract Balance of payments is one of the most complete record of the countrys external economic relations and an important measure of external balance, since the reform and opening up, Chinas trade balance of goods has undergone a shift from trade deficit to trade surplus process, especially since the 1990s China has 20 consecutive years (except for a few years than) double the international balance of payments surplus, the face of this trend, this paper based on the data analysis and comparative analysis, the situation of Chinas international balance of payments surplus double to understand, and then international and domestic causes of the causes of the double surplus analyzed through literature research, to explore the country due to the negative impact of positive and negative impacts due to the occasion of the double surplus arising on China to address the double surplus proposed appropriate strategy, some of the major recommendations from the policy, hoping to achieve as soon as possible our international balance, and better promote the development of Chinas foreign trade. Key words: Balance of payments; Double surplus; Foreign trade; Impact; Policy 目录 1引言 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2研究意义 1 1.3研究内容 2 1.4研究方法 2 2我国国际收支双顺差现状 3 2.1国际收支双顺差含义 3 2.2我国国际收支双


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