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Jin thought that this time he had really met a good person. After many and profuse thanks, he tucked away the prescriptions and rushed off to get the medicines. When he got home and they tried the remedies accordingly, they found that they really were effective. The medicines seemed to contain some magic power, and within a few days Second Simpleton’s hair began to turn black and shiny as if it had been dyed repeatedly with black oil ink, and then you could see it growing thicker like grass in spring. Half a month later, they suddenly saw that each stand of hair had sprouted forth a black and glistening point, which brought cries of amazement and delight from Jin and his daughter. 2. The traveler from the coast, who, after plodding northward for a score of miles over calcareous(钙质的) downs and corn-lands, suddenly reaches the verge of one of these escarpments(悬崖), is surprised and delighted to behold, extended like a map beneath him, country differing absolutely from that which he has passed through.(Tess of the D’Urbervilles Thomas Hardy) After plodding northward for a score of miles/over calcareous downs and corn-lands. Who suddenly reaches the verge of one/ these escarpments The traveler from the coast is surprised and delighted() (to behold county) Extended like a map differing absolutely from that beneath him Which he has passed through 一个从海边上来的旅客,往北很费劲地走了几十哩地的石灰质丘阜和庄稼地以后,一下到了这些峻岭之一的山脊上面,看见了一片原野,像地图一样平铺在下面,和刚才所走过的绝然不同,他就不由得要又惊又喜。 重要人物简介:格林兄弟 格林定律(Grimms law),又译格林姆定律或格里姆定律,是一项用来描述印欧语语音递变的定律,由德国语言学家雅各布·格林(Jakob Grimm)提出。 从1806年开始,格林兄弟就致力于民间童话和传说的搜集、整理和研究工作,出版了《儿童和家庭童话集》(两卷集)和《德国传说集》(两卷)。雅科布还出版了《德国神话》,威廉出版了《论德国古代民歌》和《德国英雄传说 》。 1806~1826年间雅科布同时还研究语言学 ,编写了4卷巨著《德语语法》,是一部历史语法,后人称为日耳曼格语言的基本教程。在《德语语法》1822年的修订版中,他提出了印欧诸语言语音演变的规则,后人称之为格林定律。他指出 ,在印欧语系中日耳曼语族历史上,辅音分组演变,在英语和低地德语中变了一次,后来在高地德语中又再变一次。事实上,格林定律只是大体上正确,后来由K.A.维尔纳加以补充。1838年底格林兄弟开始编写《德语词典》,1854~1862 年共出版第一至三卷。这项浩大的工程兄弟俩生前未能完成 ,后来德国语言学家继续这项工作,至196


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