必修一Module 1导学案.doc

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外研版必修一模块一导学案 倍数表达法 num.+ times+ as+adj./adv原级+as… +adj./adv比较级+than… +the +n.+of 这个房间是那个房间三倍。 This room is three times ______________________ that one. ______________________ that one. ______________________ that one. (1) so + do + sb后者也适合前者情况,前后句人称不一致 肯定情况:so + 助动词、系动词、情态动词+主语 否定情况:neither/nor + 助动词、系动词、情态动词+主语 He likes sports. ___________________.(我也如此) You aren’t interested in playing the piano.___________________.(他也如此) (前后句时态一致,但人称不一致) 但是情况不唯一时,就用万能句式: It is the same with… So it is with… He is clever but he can’t pass the exam. _________________________/ ____________________(你也如此). (2)So + sb + do.的确如此 强调前者情况真实,前后句人称一致 He is clever.________________.(他的确如此) (3)sb + do + so 某人按照被人说的做了 His mother told him to come back earlier.________________.(他就那么做了) amaze vt +sb 使某人吃惊、惊讶 sb + be amazed at sth./by sth./to do sth./that clause 某人对…感到惊讶(人作主语用ved作表语) sth + be amazing 某物令人惊讶(物作主语用ving作表语) much /greatly to one’s amazement/surprise/astonishment/shock令某人非常吃惊 in amazement 惊愕地 类似表示心理变化的动词有:excite, surprise, disappoint, satisfy, encourage, embarrass, move,touch, shock, interest 构成主系表结构主语是人,用-ed作表语,主语是物,表语用v-ing Would you mind doing sth.? 你介意…请求对方许可 如果…你是否介意吗? Would you mind if sb. did sth.?(用would提问委婉,从句用一般过去时) Do you mind…if sb do…?(用Do提问比较直率,从句用一般现在时) Would you mind my ____________(open) the window? Would you mind if I _____________(open) the window? Do you mind if I ______________(open) the window? No. Of course not/ Certainly not/ Not at al. I’m sorry, but you’d better not. / I’m afraid I do. cover vt 多义词:包括,包含; 走一段路程; 覆盖; 对事件采访,报道; 占地(面积); 够…用; 看完多少页书; 写出含义 The book covers all aspects of the problem.______________ The ground is covered with snow.________________ She covered 27 miles a day._________________ She has covered so many pages.__________________ The city covers ten square miles.______________________ The reporter covered the event.______________________ The money ca


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