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内 容 提 要 本模具为一个红酒酒瓶内盖的注塑模具。设计分为整体装配图设计和所用各零件的设计。本设计从实际生产条件出发,结合相关理论给出了生产此类塑料制件的模具设计解决方案,涉及塑料的工艺性能、模具设计、以及机械设计等相关知识。 该产品采用PE塑料进行注塑成型,成型方式为一模四腔。该设计根据产品材料和结构特点,对产品进行了工艺性分析,选用了,同时 Abstract This is the injection plastic mould ,which is the cover of one kind of wines. It inclouds installing drawing and parts of the total drawing ,under the circum stance of real produce mert and associated with referring theory knowledges such as the properties of plastic mould design, manchining manufacture, design of machinery,the designives one general kind of solution about manufacturing of plastic products by mould. The product is injection molded through PE plastic, and the formation way were four mold cavities. The design analyze the products process, determine the plastics process parameter and injection-molding machine, determine the molds overall plan ,analyze and solve the molds overall structure and each working parts concrete structure, and carry on some essential size calculation and intensity examination. In addition, the design also analyze the parting surface、the gating system、the mold emptier and the temperature control system, complete the three-dimension model and two-dimension assembly drawing of the product. Finally, the processing flow char of core. To here, the design have completed each work which was requested by the mold design. 目 录 内 容 提 要 Ⅰ Abstract Ⅱ 前 言 3 1 塑件的工艺性分析 5 1.1 产品技术要求 5 1.2 塑件工艺分析 5 1.3 材料收缩率及塑件的尺寸精度分析 6 2 注塑模的设计要点 8 3 注塑模的设计 9 3.1 注射模与注射机的关系 9 3.2 分型面的设计 11 3.3 浇注系统与排溢系统的设计 12 3.4 成型零件的设计 16 3.5 合模导向机构的设计 20 3.6 推出机构的设计 21 3.7 温度调节系统的设计 23 3.8 模架的设计 25 4 模具装配的工艺过程设计 26 4.1 模具总的装配程序 26 4.2 模具装配要点 26 5 模具的安装、调试及维护 29 6设 计 总 结 30 参考文献 ………………………………………………………………31 附录……………………………………………………………………..32 致谢……………………………………………………………………..33 前 言 大学四年时光转瞬即逝。在惊叹时光飞逝的同时,我们也面临着毕业设计的来临。毕业设计作为本科四年的学业安排,是对大学四年所学知识的一场大检测,是对大学四年专业知识的一次全面总结,也是在参加工作前对理论知识的进一步加强和巩固,并进行的一次全面实践 ,对模具设计的全过程的学习。 模具是工业生产中极为广泛的主要工艺装备,采用模具生产零部件,具有



