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探讨单孔全胸腔镜手术治疗胸部疾病的安全性及可行性   摘要:目的 探讨单孔全胸腔镜手术在胸部疾病治疗中的可行性及安全性。方法 2015年3月~5月,施行全麻双腔气管插管下单孔全胸腔镜手术25例。于腋前线与腋中线间第4或第5肋间做切口长3~5 cm,置入10 mm 30°胸腔镜和器械,行肺大疱切除+胸膜固定术3例,肺楔形切除术3例,病变活检+Ⅰ125放射性粒子植入术1例,纵隔肿瘤切除术1例,肺叶切除4例,肺癌根治术13例。结果 1例增加一个辅助操作孔,1例中转开胸。手术时间为70~347min,平均191min;术中出血10~300 ml,平均89ml;胸腔闭式引流时间1~7d,平均3.6 d;术后住院2~9d,平均4.6d。全组无术后持续漏气、无肺不张、肺部感染、出血及肺栓塞等严重并发症,无围手术期死亡。结论 单孔胸腔镜手术治疗胸部各种疾病安全可行,可重复,值得推广。   关键词:单孔; 胸腔镜; 胸部疾病   To Explore the Safety and Feasibility of Single-port Complete Video-assisted for Treatment Chest Lesion   ZHANG Chang-hong,DU Ming,CHEN Dan,ZHONG Hua-ling   (Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery,The First Affiliated Hospital,Chongqing Medical University,Chongqing 400016,China)   Abstract:Objective To explore the safety and feasibility of single- port complete video-assisted for treatment chest lesion. Methods A total of 25 cases of Chest lesion underwent single-port complete video- assisted thoracoscopic surgery in double lumen endotracheal intubation under general anesthesia in our hospital from March 2015 to May 2015.The incision of about 3~5 cm long was cut between the anterior axillary line and the midaxillary line in the fourth or fifth intercostal space and 10 mm 30°thoracoscope and instruments were inserted through the incision.25 patients underwent single- port cVATS procedure including procedure including:among which 3 cases of pulmonary bulla resection and pleurodesis,3 cases of wedge resection of the lung,1 cases of mediastinal tumor biopsy and Iodine125 implant surgery,1 case of mediastinal tumor excision, 4 case of lobectomy,13 case of lung cancer resection.Results 1 case of patient need converse to biportal and 1 open .The average operative time was 191 min(70~347 min).The average blood loss was 89 ml (10~300 ml).The average time of closed thoracic drainage was 3. 6 d (1~7d).The average time of postoperative hospital stay was 4. 6 d (2~9 d).No postoperative severe complications and death occurred.Conclusion The way of single-


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