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自我外语学习计划 篇一:大一外语学习计划 我的外语生活,我计划 ? 学习目标 努力提高自己各方面技能,完善英语听说读写等方面的不足,扩大知识面,争取学年末能够跃进班级前5名,全级前30名。 ? 目标依据 1. 一开始进入大学,大家都处于迷茫中,首先确立明确目标的人才能更快适应学习生活,在竞争中博得主动权 2. 身为班级学委,要严格要求自己,给大家带个好头 3. 基础要从现在打起,为以后的学习工作做好准备 4. 为自己设定一个需要努力才会实现的奋斗目标,才不至于在这一年里没有动力,迷失自我,浪费时间 ? 本阶段个人学习存在的不足与困惑 1. 社团活动及其他集体活动太多,有时候会平衡不了这些活动与学习的关系,觉得不知所措 2. 经过新课堂的学习,渐渐发现自己在专业方面还有很多不足,口语很烂,听力不行,语音不正,口音太重 3. 还不太适应新的学习方式,笔记还不能及时补充上 4. 阅读量太少,还没能充分利用图书馆资源 ? 下阶段学习方法 1. 多把精力放在学习上,少参加些社团活动 2. 统计时间,将时间具体细分,安排好各个时间段(早、中、晚)的学习工作,坚持并使之基本固定下来 3. 经常上学习网站及邮箱,及时查看更新信息 4. 多到图书馆走走看看,借多点书丰富见识 ? 具体安排 ? 以最近一星期为参考,以后基本按此计划实施,如有变动,适时作相应调整。争取每星期,每个月都有所进步,希望能在学年末把口语练得流畅,听力能够跟得上,语音可以 渐入标准轨道,阅读能力有所提高,从而实现目标 Come on 篇二:学习计划,英文版 篇一:签证用英文学习计划书 study plan dear visa officer: it’s my great honour that i?ve been admitted to the university of toronto in the program of social science as a transfer student. (although the offer letter didn?t mention the specific major, an email that sent from u of t later made sure of the program. the copy version of the email is enclosed with the study plan.) the program will begin on september 13th, 2010. and u of t marked me as “year:3” student. a brief introduction of my background and my choice of sociology my name is yingchu mao, born on june 1st, 1989, in hangzhou, china. currently, i am a sophomore of wuhan university,majoring in editing and publishing science. last semester, i’ve got a chance to attend the aiesec (one of the largest students’ organization around the world) youth leadership conference in wuhan. the conference focused on non-governmental organization topic with several excellent speeches made by julie, wei zhang and cong du who worked in wall street for more than 10 years before he quitted and devoted himself to ngo-the chiheng foundation have left me a deep impression and arouse my intense interest on ngo. since going abroad to study the advanced knowledge is what i always have in mind, i started to browse some famous universities? websites and finally made a d


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